The short answer is, “Yes.”
In a longer answer I might argue that everyone on occasion is a Miniver Cheevy. If you are unfamiliar with the E. A. Robinson poem, I reproduce it here as a prelude to my thoughts.
Miniver Cheevy
Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn,
Grew lean while he assailed the seasons;
He wept that he was ever born,
And he had reasons.
Miniver loved the days of old
When swords were bright and steeds were prancing;
The vision of a warrior bold
Would set him dancing.
Miniver sighed for what was not,
And dreamed, and rested from his labors;
He dreamed of Thebes and Camelot,
And Priam’s neighbors.
Miniver mourned the ripe renown
That made so many a name so fragrant;
He mourned Romance, now on the town,
And Art, a vagrant.
Miniver loved the Medici,
Albeit he had never seen one;
He would have sinned incessantly
Could he have been one.
Miniver cursed the commonplace
And eyed a khaki suit with loathing;
He missed the mediæval grace
Of iron clothing.
Miniver scorned the gold he sought,
But sore annoyed was he without it;
Miniver thought, and thought, and thought,
And thought about it.
Miniver Cheevy, born too late,
Scratched his head and kept on thinking;
Miniver coughed, and called it fate,
And kept on drinking. *
Miniver-Cheevy-like, Joe sees the past four years—and, indeed, his past fifty years in government—as a personal Camelot. As a consequence of his delusion of grandeur, Joe Biden said recently that he should not have dropped out. The headline in The Guardian reads “Biden reportedly regrets ending re-election campaign and says he’d have defeated Trump.”**
I don’t think Joe Biden is an alcoholic like Miniver, but he does have a drinking problem: It’s Kool-Aid served by a sycophantic Leftist Press and WH operatives, and yes, that’s a reference to Jonestown’s mass suicide by poisoned Kool-Aid. In this post-election moment, Joe is delusional. Would Joe have survived another debate with Trump to wow the people with his perspicacity and quick wit, his ability to stay focused on the topic at hand, and his reliance on all those years of experience he’s proud to cite? Or would Joe just give further evidence that not only is he not now up to the task of the presidency, but that he was also not up to the task from the get-go in 2020?
What amazes me is the number of people who thought in 2019 that a guy who would not leave his basement to campaign, who showed no real energy, who was obviously corrupt, and who was a known liar, decided to put him in office and that many of those same people, having observed his ineptitude over his term in office, would vote to re-elect him.
Delusional Joe, Delusional Democrats
Miniver cursed the commonplace
And eyed a khaki suit with loathing;
He missed the mediæval grace
Of iron clothing.
Trump voters are in the minds of Biden’s supporters, “garbage,” “deplorable,” “stupid,” “racist," “NeoNazi,” and easily duped. They are as commonplace as a khaki suit to use Robinson's words. So, MSNBC and CNN got millions of Democrats to drink Jonesville Kool-Aid. And during their years of self-proclaimed, but haughty, righteousness they allowed unvetted millions into the country, including murderers.
But I see there are still Democrats on TV or social media mouthing Biden’s claim he would have won reelection.
**Copyright Credit: Edwin Arlington Robinson, "Miniver Cheevy" from Collected Poems, with an introduction by John Drinkwater. London: Cecil Palmer, 1922. Public domain. Source: Collected Poems, with an introduction by John Drinkwater (Cecil Palmer, 1922)