Mr. Duck: Now that we play in the same college football league, I feel a personal relationship to you, allowing me to talk freely to say what’s on my mind. I’ve been a little upset recently because board of the Consumer Advisory Council of the Oregon Health Authority (the OCAC) includes a person who identifies as a turtle. Are you Terrapins trying to take over my territory? This is Duck Country, you know. And we beat your football team in 2024.
Testudo: No, actually, I saw that news story, and it befuddled me. Turtles and ducks can share a pond, but humans and turtles can’t share an identity. Although there are many examples of mimicry in the animal kingdom, most are associated with predator-prey or reproduction-care. The “turtle” on the OCAC is a human. Really, I’m twice befuddled, first because the human turtle’s turtleness serves no purpose other than some self-gratifying but unreal physical identity and second because the “turtle” serves on a board that specifically addresses mental health. Why put such a person on such a board?
Mr. Duck: I see your point, and I’ll add this. Over the past few years I’ve noticed humans adopting identities normally associated with the animal world, furries, for example. Most of those appear to be mimicking as best they can as mammal species. This identification as a member of the order testudines is a bit odd because its only in that reptilian part of the brain where that mimicry lies though it is true that upon being frightened, many humans instinctively imitate retraction of their heads by raising their shoulders and by ducking (my word) into a nonexistent shell.
Testudo: I’m no an expert on human behavior, but I agree that there’s little in humans that seems turtle other than their embryonic form that seems to verify the principle that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. Early on we seem indistinguishable. Later on, we have virtually nothing in common; we turtles live a lifestyle few humans could tolerate for long.
Mr. Duck: And yet, there’s a human claiming to be a turtle while serving on a mental health board. And probably—this is my guess—no one on that mental health board has the courage to say, “What the H-e-double-toothpick is wrong with you? You’re clearly not a turtle. You have neither a soft shell nor a hard one. You live in a human structure. You walk on all fours unless you choose to crawl. You can read and speak a human language. If you get sick, you go to a doctor not a vet. How do you justify calling yourself a turtle?”
Testudo: Strangely, in spite of all their illogic and folly, humans still call themselves an advanced life-form. I think of how they choose to ignore the real nature of the world. Their conscious denial of reality and lack of understanding remind me of a famous tale associated with Bertrand Russell. After giving a lecture on the astronomy, a woman challenged him by saying that the world rests on a giant turtle. Russell then asked on what the turtle rests, and she responded, “Why it’s turtles all the way down.” The question to ask the human “turtle” is “On what basis do you see yourself as a turtle?” Now, as a Maryland Terrapin, I would like to think that it’s turtles all the way down, and for me it is on the tree of evolution. But such an infinite regress is as improbable as a human being being a turtle. Humans, can’t live with them; can’t keep the out or our habitats; can’t get them act human.
Mr. Duck: if I run into the Oregon “turtle,” I’ll use a duck pun and say, “You’re quackers.”
Testudo: Oh! Don’t do that unless you can accept being cancelled by the libs at the university. They’ll make sure you never wear the duck costume again and will probably put you in front of a tribunal for saying a human can’t be a turtle and that any human who declares “turtlehood” is “quackers.” Nowadays, Libs say identity is not an absolute in any sense, even a biological one. A human can be any life-form—maybe even any inorganic form, say, a crystal of quartz, for example. Just keep your bill shut to avoid the grief. Libs seem to have neither a sense of humor nor commonsense when someone points out their folly. Do what I do. I take it slow and easy knowing I will probably outlive with my renowned turtle longevity all the foolishness of the current generation. Slow and easy, Mr. Duck, slow and easy. Be, if I may also use a corny pun, unflappable.
*Alec Schemmel, Fox News Published March 13, 2025 "Oregon mental health advisory board includes member who identifies as terrapin species"