Why should any of us ask such questions? Aren’t they a silly waste of our time? We can easily distinguish ourselves one from another in a restless saline liquid. I stand in a place fully separate, a lump in a lumpy universe that was lumpy from its beginning as the COBE and WMAP images show. Slight differences in temperature, really slight almost 13.8 billion years ago, and here we are: Individuals disconnected.
Yet, in this solution of energy, matter, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy, we envision a void around us, something we always have to cross to get to another. Uninterrupted connection is a myth. We are, in our minds, separate except in one way: We can choose to cross the apparent void to connect, to merge, to dissolve with another in like-mindedness and emotional ties.
That’s what makes the void so special to us: We choose to void the void when we want and create it as we wish. Maybe the void exists only to the extent and in the time we want it to exist. The void protects our individuality, but its existence is always under attack in the simplest of settings. “Hey, we’re throwing a party tonight. Comin’?” “Let’s talk.” And the void reappears unexpectedly. “What’s happened to us?” “What have you become?” “I don’t know you anymore.”
Seems we’re always crossing the void for one reason or another, even when we try to maintain it. The human universe seems to abhor a vacuum at the same time it loves it. So, which is it for you? Running across the void or using it to disconnect?