What about ethical compasses? Do you think the needles of ethical compasses always point to the same pole, that is, toward a “Good” that every moral compass needle follows? Do you think that the “pole” of your ethical values has remained stable, or has it wandered much like Earth’s magnetic poles? And what about the ethical “field”? Has your ethical “field” weakened or strengthened?
No one can predict exactly when Earth’s magnetic field will flip, and no one can predict exactly how the poles will wander. We can trace their movements historically and make a guess about their future locations, but the field is generated deep within our planet by its nickel-iron inner and outer cores. And the field might be influenced on rare occasions by giant shocks from bolide impacts, such as the one that knocked off the dinosaurs.
Earth’s magnetic field protects us from onslaughts by masses of charged particles blasted in our direction by the sun. So, we have an analog for protection against outside influences, that is, an internally generated geomagnetic field that wards off particles in the solar wind.
Does your ethical field protect you from analogous moral onslaughts? Have your ethical poles wandered or flipped? Has your ethical field weakened? Has any change been generated by internal or external forces? It’s time to look at your compass to see the needle’s direction.