If she gives us change, then by how much would a President Harris change what a Biden-Harris Administration wrought? Infinitesimal, I’m guessing, fractions of fractions of fractions in a Cantoresque drive to the infinitely small, half, then half again, and halves ad infinitum—a Xeno-esque set of changes by which no one reaches the end; no one sees the change because it cannot be attained. She’ll have us run in place—or backward with more socialism.
Measuring Change
Newton and Leibnitz gave us a way to handle a world of change that the ancient philosopher Heraclitus could only describe as the inescapable essence of the world, the cycle of the Pyr Aeizoon, the Eternal Fire becoming the vicissitudinal world of mortals. In a sense, we’re always being “unburdened” as we stand in the ever-moving river of time and in the cycle of the Fire which alternates between the world asleep and the world awake (That’s you right now—I think), Thus, in these changing conditions, the past no longer is, and changes both evident and imperceptible have made it so, that is, have erased it from all realities save the realities of memory. And with regard to Harris, memory itself is unreal. Can she not remember her record of the past four years? I haven’t forgotten. Have you?
Apparently, her followers have both retrograde and dissociative amnesia.
Harris Is a Function, Donald
Remember the oft-cited analog of a math function? Take a coin or a buck; put it into a vending machine. Get a bag of potato chips or a candy bar. The money, coming from one set of entities (coins, paper money) produces the bag of chips or bar, coming from another set of entities (snacks). The function—the vending machine—pairs something real from one set with something real from another set. In math the machine exchanges real numbers for real numbers. Functions are in the business of pairing, in the words of David Berlinski, “a function is a rule that assigns to each element in a set A a unique element in a set B” (68). *
Can a politician be an analog of a mathematical function or vice versa? I think so, especially when it comes to the money they take from us. Politicians assign some amount of tax to a set of some kind: A military set like guns and ammo, for example, or a social set like free medicine. Politicians pair tax dollars with programs, too. They do so with regard to both mandated and arbitrary programs. They vend weapons for foreign friends and enemies (For the latter think Biden-Harris’s equipment giveaway to the Taliban), healthcare, education, etc. We put money into the political vending machine, and the machine (politicians or their bureaucratic surrogates) pairs it with…whatever. The vending machine itself is packed with new and old eternal programs, but it has no glass front, just a general list of categories behind an opaque wall of unaccountable agencies. We can’t see the pairing for each tax dollar. We put in our coins and get in return whatever the politician decides we should get: Military protection, policing, emergency management or recovery, education for citizens or now education and preloaded debit cards for noncitizens.
Under Biden-Harris the function paired taxes with illegal aliens; they entered the country; they received from the elements in the available sets of transportation, housing, health care, education….
Generally, we’re now passersby walking through the mud of a sleezy carnival of governmental functionaries. Someone in the shadow says, “Pssst. Hey, you wanna deal you can’t pass up. Free stuff behind the curtain. The fee is minimal; you won’t even recognize you spent it. In return I’ll show you a way to change your miserable life and turn it into some Willy-Wonka joy. Chocolates for all, unending chocolates, gelato if you like.
“But didn’t you promise that before?”
Cackling, “It’ll be different this time. I promise.”she says. “And it will be measurable change.”
“But don’t we know change by contrast? To what will we make a comparison? The ‘wanderers,’ the planets, wander against the background of ostensibly unmoving stars. Against what background would we see your (Harris’s) proposed “holistic” changes? Would it be against some Biblical-like set of principles of ethical invariance like those set down, as she recently said, pretending to be a down-to-Earth ordinary Christian (with a Hindu heritage harking to the vedas), in firm principles as in the Book of “Ecclesiasics”—I suppose it’s a book she read in gymnastics class in high school.
Delta Stuff
Have economics become incommensurable? Do Americans have no basis for comparison? Seems so; we can’t contrast a Harris economy with a proposed Harris economy. What integers mark the change? Delta Poor minus Delta Poor = Poor. Delta cackling minus Delta cackling = purposeless laughter with no details on how to get past the present at the snails pace of half of a half of a half the distance to the goal of an “opportunity economy.”
So today, the function went to the border.
“What’s that, you say?”
I said, “today the function went to the border.” And what has been the pairing? Well, today the government released the numbers in the set of elements called illegal aliens who have murdered, raped, and committed other crimes. They number in the thousands. “No joke,” as Biden says. They have been paired with American families who have lost children, mothers, fathers. Harris has served as that function, pairing rapist with rape victim, murderer with murdered, minor with sex trafficker, drug dealer or whole cartel network with fentanyl death. And through it all she has cackled and served meaningless word salads.
She’s Not a Function, Donald
In math functions are structured associations. They can be graphed in predictable fashion, f(x) = x^2 yields a parabola on Cartesian coordinates, a “U” whose bottom rests on the origin, 0, where vertical line meets horizontal line; f(x) = x^3 yields a line whose positive side shoots off the graph into "Y-infinity" like the burgeoning debt imposed by agencies out of control with agents giddy on unending money they’ll never have to tally in a public ledger, so big and unwieldy the government has become.
But predictability—or rather its absence—is why Harris isn’t a function. In her vending machine those elements from the set put into the machine produce no regular outcome. Illegal alien or fentanyl pill into America has no one-to-one predictable output because each input might or might not mean an American injury or death. It’s random like a roulette wheel. Put your money on a number or color; get who knows what. Similarly, take her domestic vending machine, such as the money committed to building EV charging stations; billions into the program, just a few charging stations emerged. Plan to buy one of those mandated EVs? Purchase a very long extension cord. “Hey, you told us to buy EVs; you made them mandatory. Where are those charging stations? Taxes in; no charging stations out.”
Change. Not fractions of fractions of fractions, but big visible change—visible to all but those in the sycophantic Press—change on a scale, a sweeping scale is what Americans got by voting into office Biden and Harris. Inflation chief among the elements of output. Inflation the change noticeable by all but by the very rich and that cover-their-asses-loyal-Press. More than 100,000 fentanyl deaths, also a noticeable change—again, except In the loyal Press. Not-so-noticeable raped and murdered women, and money-for -aliens that could have been spent on American citizens—these are un-tallied and as yet un-graphed because the numbers are still being generated, and might be generated for decades…
The function analogy, like all analogies, limps, but it—were it to be seen by the Harris followers—could possibly convince them to change their loyalty from big government politicians to small government politicians, from an incompetent woman who went to the border wearing an expensive necklace but Khaki jacket to appear outdoorsy just for a photo op that lasted a mere 30 minutes. (Did she never see the videos of children abused, trafficked, and abandoned by cartels? Did she never understand the hundreds of millions of dollars cartels made on her watch?)
We need to change the functions to change America to commonsense. We need a predictable one-for-one benefit for American citizens, not a vending machine of increasing costs without a goal other than Kamala’s promise of unquantifiable amorphous joy.
*A Tour of the Calculus. 1997. New York. Vintage Books.