You Decide the Appropriate Juxtaposition
My paired opposites aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive categories. In fact, I’m not sure that any of the examples below fit neatly in those listed or in some other sets of categories. You’ve seen the news. Do the following have you scratching your head?
Luigi Could Open a Successful Pizza Restaurant
Take the Luigi Mangione stories. Up for trial on a murder charge for killing a healthcare executive in an act that was captured on street video, Luigi has garnered fans, some of them rabid followers who have not only praised him for killing but also sent him money for legal fees. Luigi has become somewhat of a heartthrob and trendsetter. His female admirers want date him, and his male admirers want to buy and wear the style of loafers he wore into court. * Huh? Is this an example of waIking a mile in someone else's shoes? I find the attraction and mimicry a bit bizarre; maybe you don’t. I’m also puzzled by the women attracted to him, finding all reminiscent of Leidy Figueroa, a woman Joran Van der Sloot met, impregnated, and married in prison. Recall that Van der Sloot became infamous for Natalee Holloway’s disappearance in Aruba before he moved to Peru to murder another girl. He eventually confessed to Holloway’s murder. What went through Leidy’s mind? “Well, maybe he killed two women, but that makes him all the more attractive.” Anyway, like Van der Sloot, Luigi is inundated by messages from admirers. Call me narrow-minded, but, again, I find bizarre the mental and emotional stability of women who want to marry murderers. In our bizarre world some dismiss murder because they dissociate themselves from the loss of life, the pain of relatives, and the reality of blood spurting from the body of a once fully aware human. And for what? Does lust override empathy and commonsense and fog the mind, concealing that such relationships can foreshadow more violence and killing?
It ain’t just women. A also bizarre, the desire of some to imitate Luigi with full knowledge that he was caught. A mimicking perp sprayed SAIF CEO Chip Terhune’s house in Lake Oswego, just outside Portland, with multiple rounds at about 4 a.m. Friday — shattering the home’s glass front door. ** Surely, this couldn’t have been a random happenstance like the conjunction of seven planets. We humans, unlike the celestial bodies can purposely align. Think “celestial,” by the way, not “heavenly.” Luigi, Van der Sloot, and the Lake Oswego shooter aren’t cherubic but are rather angels of death.
Barnard’s Girls Will Fade like Barnard’s Star
Tiresome, isn’t it. Watching a Gay parade in support of Hamas, a terrorist group who would without compunction kill gay people or watching young college women protest for Hamas without knowledge that under Hamas rule they would be suppressed and, if captured for any reason, would be raped, tortured, and murdered. Such is the irony of the privileged young of Barnard’s college, the origin of a group of girls wearing Palestinian keffiyehs as they interrupted a course at neighboring Columbia University and occupied a campus building, and then harassed a female dean on her way to the restroom. *** The consequence? Little to zilch as of this writing though Barnard did expel two girls who had participated in a previous protest. What’s that you say? Yes, some of the young and privileged in American society live in a universe where the black-and-white keffiyehs symbolize good as black and evil as white. The Barnard administration and multiple Jewish students and the school’s Jewish alumni supporters seem as powerless as Gov. Hochul in the face of antisemitism and disruption.
If you squint, you can see Barnard’s star, a red dwarf some 6 light years away. In 1998, the star had some explosive event, but it has since faded. I’ll hazard a guess that the female protestors, once expelled or allowed to graduate, will move on to similarly less explosive lives, but will (some of them) harbor unrealistic Leftist antisemitism that turns moral outage on its head. They will probably never examine closely the degradation imposed by Hamas on the Palestinian people nor the atrocities imposed on more than 1,000 Israelis on October 7 and during ensuing captivity. They won’t recognize how Hamas fires rockets from Palestinian neighborhoods, hospitals, and schools knowing that Israeli response will injure and kill Palestinians.
Righteous Sinners
Also in the news are two stories of religious leaders caught in sin. Thought we were beyond the Jimmy Swaggart/prostitute scandals and Catholic priests/young men scandals, but I guess not. Now, I don’t want to be one who casts that first stone, but…heck, here’s a pebble: Lucas Hunt, 25, from Asheboro, North Carolina, was arrested and charged Tuesday with one count of second-degree sexual abuse of a minor. ** Lucas designed the “Thank you, Jesus” yard signs. Not to be outdone in depravity, the husband pastor of Mica Miller, who committed suicide, is now accused of allegedly using his church as a “sexual playground.” ***** Praise the Lord and pass the condoms!
And Then, There’s the Page from the Mary Kay Letourneau Book of Seductions
Sure, we know teachers are human and thus subject to frailty and folly, but don’t we expect some semblance of righteous behavior in our schools? Following in the footsteps of Mary Kay Letourneau who had children with her onetime student in a scandal that surfaced during the 1990s, is Spanish teacher Dulce Flores, a teacher at Riverbank High School outside Modesto, who is charged with having sex with a 17-year-old while he was a student in 2023.****** May we say “Shame on you”? Should we deem love between a thirty-something-year-old teacher and her hormonal teen boy student as wrong? Is this a perversion of the teaching profession? The word teacher derives from the Anglo-Saxon tacn, “guide” or “guidepost.” Don’t we expect teachers to be guides for children? We don’t expect the conjunction of student and teacher to be conjugal.
Endless Conjunctions of the Bizarre Turn Ideals into Nightmares
Almost every day one can read a couple to several stories that show how we humans live in constant juxtaposition and conjunction. The juxtapositions reveal our hypocrisy and folly, our ignorance and hubris, our immorality and morality, and our gullibility and subsequent disillusion. The conjunctions and human syzygy of juxtapositions reveal that a commonness of contradictions pervades our species.
We are a species of opposites, opposites of intentions and actions, opposites of ideals and realities, opposites of freedoms and restrictions, and opposites of knowledge and ignorance. Unlike those planets gathered by chance in the night sky, we are self-conscious; yet, by chance our stories merge in the daily news.
***Barnard’s spoiled protesters expose the spineless leadership of colleges and New York’s pols — again https://nypost.com/2025/02/27/opinion/barnard-protesters-expose-spineless-leadership-of-colleges-and-new-york-pols/
****’Thank you Jesus’ sign creator charged with child sex abuse as ministry removes all references to him https://www.bing.com/news/search?q=%E2%80%98thank+You+Jesus%E2%80%99+Sign+Creator+Charged+With+Child+Sex+Abuse+As+Ministry+Removes+All+References+To+Him&eventans=1&eventland=0&eventrel=0&qpvt=%e2%80%98Thank+you+Jesus%e2%80%99+sign+creator+charged+with+child+sex+abuse+as+ministry+removes+all+references+to+him&FORM=EWRE
****** See NY Post: “High school Spanish teacher, 33, accused of having sex with 17-year-old student: police” and multiple reports.