Right! I know the flash mob won’t play well on the stage of the new-old Afghanistan. Something about an obsession with enslavement, cruelty, and death. Something about a culture so foreign to much of the rest of the world that people in countries around the world cannot understand.
Oh! Don’t get me wrong. Almost all cultures have had their bad moments, even savage ones. I’m thinking of a YouTube video of a flash mob in Nuremberg, the site of the trials for the Nazi war criminals. Yep, there in a square a group of musicians gathered to perform “Ode to Joy.” The crowd seemed to love it, little kids, young adults, the elderly. It seemed to be a moment of unity as all such flash mobs seem to generate. Ah! What a difference a half century or so makes! Where the horrors of WWII were once the focus of the crowd, musicians took to a public square to play some uplifting music.
But in Kabul?
Does that highly unlikely flash mob in Kabul say anything about the culture left in charge?