Answer: El Chapo’s sons. *
Not for Aural Consumption
Of course, you’ll never hear this from the President’s press secretary. Some things are best left unsaid. Or, between press question, press secretary brain, and answer to the press, “Blame the Republicans. Blame Trump. The border has never been more secure.” Or worse, “What fentanyl crisis?”
“The Big Guy” as he seems to be known in international circles centered on buying favors, just doesn’t seem to care much about the more than 100,000 overdose deaths, tens of thousands of Americans per year since he decided that border walls don’t work, Trump was a xenophobe, and open borders define a country—Did I mentioned a throng of potential Democrat voters racing across the border forged in the promise of free stuff like cell phones, hotel stays, transportation on buses, planes, and trains, health care, education, and work permits? Anyway, the Big Guy’s way of addressing the issue was to make Kamala Harris the Border Czar (How’s that workin’ out for you?). How’s she doing? Let me count the ways. Or should I say, “Let me count the overdose deaths and the millions of illegals who have crossed the southern border, including, by the way, people on the terrorist watch list and gang members with emblazoned tattoos on their foreheads as a mark that they murdered someone”?
The Bad Guys’ Utilitarianism
Seems that El Chapo’s boys decided that fentanyl is really bad stuff, probably because it’s killing clients. Can’t have your customers die. If that happens, who would buy your drugs?
Anyway, El Chapo’s sons have issued an edict, a prohibiition against using fentanyl in their drug trade. And who could blame them? They’re saving lives! They’ve even ordered the execution of their own dealers who have disobeyed that edict. It might be the first instance in the history of business in which cavet emptor reverses to caveat venditor. Imagine that principle applied to used car salesmen.
I would love to ascribe to the boys a reform and a turn toward virtue. But utility seems a better explanation. Business without clients is not very profitable, and though America’s 330,000,000 people seem to be an inexhaustible supply of customers driven by addiction, drug culture, and lax enforcement, it’s that utility in not killing off one’s clients that makes sense of the boys’ recent edict.
Besides, if sleepy Joe should awaken to the current tragic state of more than 100,000 deaths from overdoses, he might decide to go to war against the denizens of Sinaloa. Wouldn’t that also be bad for the boys’ business? And although I don’t believe either the President or the Secretary of Homeland Security will in the short term close the border or stop the trade in fentanyl or that they even care to do so, there is still a remote possibility that they, like El Chapo’s sons, will understand that overdose deaths are bad for business all around.