Where to begin? Where to begin? No, I’m not thinking about broaching a delicate subject subtly or brashly. SUBTLY: “The garlic in that pizza we ate left a lingering taste.” BRASHLY: “Frank, I’ll be frank; go rinse with mouthwash; your breath stinks. And while I’m ripping the bandaid off, I might as well tell you that you have chronic halitosis.”
Oh! Wait! Think I got it! I’ll rip the bandaid off the way Katie Couric, one-time Today Show hostess, darling of the Left, and hundred millionaire told Bill Maher that Trump supporters were anti-intellectuals. Classic Leftism in the tradition of Hilary Clinton, who proclaimed they were “deplorables.” Now we know they are deplorable AND [here come the synonyms] despicable, pitiable, wretched, grubby, contemptible, uneducated, and stupid.
Trump supporters! Can’t live with ‘em, can’t exterminate them all because someone has to be left to do the manual labor like cleaning the donkey pen at the zoo. Ah! The rich Left. They understand what the rich Right doesn’t. Katie knows more than any of those who supported Trump.
And she will always be smarter, always more intellectual because her ad populum statements are beyond dispute. Her argument lies in declaration and name-calling. She is another self-apotheosized liberal proclaiming a “truth.” Fall on your knees; hear the angels’ voices.
ANECDOTE: My late ultra-rich friend told me that while he was on his way from visiting one of his business locations to another, he stopped at the foreign car dealer where he had bought cars like Bentley, Rolls-Royce, and Porche, just to see what was in the display room that day. There a Bentley caught his eye. As he was looking at the car, a young car salesman whom he had never met, walked over and asked if he could help him. My friend said in his down-home way, "it's a pretty nice car.”
In his ignorance and condescension the salesman said in a dismissive tone, “Well, that's a pretty expensive vehicle.” As my friend was about to leave the dealership, the owner, who had sold numerous expensive cars to him, walked in and greeted him by first name. He asked what brought him into the show room. My friend responded that he was just in the area and stopped in to see what might be in the show room, and then he said, “But this young fellow doesn’t seem to want to sell me this car.” You can guess the outcome. Yes, the salesman’s employment ended abruptly. He had judged my friend by his down-home language, khaki pants, and shirt with the company's logo on the pocket.
Like Katie Couric, the salesman did not see the character and background of my friend, who not only owned his own jet, but had used it to travel around the world, where he met with dignitaries in many foreign countries. He had also entertained American presidents, English Lords, and famous actors, comedians, and singers at his resort. His business stretched across the country, and he employed thousands. And cars? At his resort he had a building dedicated to housing his collection of expensive antique cars. In short, not only could my friend have bought the car in the show room, but he could also have bought the entire dealership and its inventory of expensive cars. Politicians on both the Left and the Right courted him for support. The salesman saw only a plain speaking older guy in street clothes.
Unlike the salesman, Katie will suffer no ill consequences for her judgement and stereotyping because she speaks in and to a showroom full of the like-minded head-bobbers.
Recently, I addressed this blatant condescension on the Left (3/4/24: ”The Left’s Anti-intellectualism: A Neanderthal Tries to Respond”). It’s tiresome, isn’t it. The Lefties won’t stop, however, because they have a ready venue of like-minded support in major media outlets. They stand together in a Great Hall of Mirrors, a showroom of broadcasters with national and even worldwide reach.
Whoa! Just thought of a title for this little essay: "The Great Hall of Mirrors." And in that hall, everyone sees his left side as his best side. Of course, that's because the mirrors never reflect the right side.