But any kind of place can define us. Places have either a gravitational field or Dark Energy. Places can both attract and repel. Gravity is a fundamental force, and, though it’s not been called such, Dark Energy appears to be another fundamental force. That’s what makes someone who helps people somewhere off the map of trendy worth attention, someone like Jozef De Veuster, later known as Father Damien of Molokai, and then, after his death, Saint Damien. Let’s keep his story simple: He served lepers in Hawaii, helped Hawaiians with the disease improve their community, and eventually died of the disease. His work influenced Gandhi and inspired others to take on that fifth fundamental force, the repellent Dark Energy.
You can, no doubt, name others who, possibly where you traverse, also gravitate toward places that repel others. They are those who somehow overcome the repellent force in places with epidemics like Ebola, or in rough neighborhoods, or in poor ones. One wonders what force pushes them into places with Dark Energy.
What would the world be if “Everyone” thought such repellent places were trendy? That would, of course, require us all to exert a force that overwhelms Dark Energy.