Warmth That Has Been a Snow Job
If you read through the models that the climate change people promulgate, you’ll find 1) an unshakeable assumption that anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide cause global warming; 2) no model accurately predicts reality, and no model retrodicts it; and 3) no model as yet reveals that its authors know how to incorporate solar maximums and minimums or cloud effects to derive a prediction. You’ll also find that all the predictions of sea level rise, increased storm activity and intensity, and increased floods and droughts are virtually worthless in light of historical context and actual weather records. And, while you’re looking, note that forest fires and record high temperatures are events that alarmists cherry-pick to support a dire narrative. After all, if the world believes the narrative, it will continue to fund their research. The climate alarmists have been more than happy to attend climate conferences in exotic places on someone else’s dime.
And speaking of dimes, I’ll note for you that the thickness of two or three of those coins is guesstimated equivalent of twenty-first century yearly sea level rise, a rate of rise that is appreciably slower than the rapid rise following the global oceanic low stand of 18,000 years ago. * The oceans have been as much as 400+ feet lower than they are today, and they began their rapid rise long before humans burned fossil fuels. Not to belabor the point, but I would ask you to imagine standing on the shore and looking over the ocean for one year. Could you detect that three-dime rise? And if it were only a two-dime or one-dime rise?
If you look at the actual data, yo’ll realize that climate alarmists at the IPCC have built a snowman that defies the vicissitudes of weather in its ability to survive now some three decades of supposed “warming.”
It doesn’t matter to the duped people in the media or to the IPCC people that nothing they predicted has materialized. Thy can’t point to any weather phenomena as proof of their hypothesis. They can’t prove there’s an existential threat. The polar bears are doing just fine. The carbon in the atmosphere is making the world greener. The famous hockey stick graph has been debunked. Hottest day, driest drought, most extensive forest fire, melting sea ice, that rising sea, climate-driven migrations—all the talking points echoed by journalists or politicians without the mental wherewithal to research the data or see the disjunct between predictive models and actual conditions add up to a snowman wearing a magic hat that ensures survival and that costs untold billions of dollars in taxpayer money.
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Post-Glacial_Sea_Level.png