Big government is nothing if not BIG. Those 1,561 pages aren’t the work of a few people. The OCR has more than 550 attorneys and other staff. The Department of Education employs in total 4,400 employees with an annual budget of $68 billion, not one dollar of which, as I understand the department’s mission is directly spent on educating a single child. What do they do? Well, we know they write big reports—1,561-page-long reports. And they regulate, prescribe, and proscribe to the nth power of detail in their mission to impose not equality as much as equity.
So, Title IX
Any educational institution that receives federal funds is bound by the provisions and dictates in Title IX. Originally enacted in good faith to support women, Title IX will now support athletes on women’s teams who have to wear supporters, i.e., jock straps. It will also ensure that biological males will be able to share restrooms, dorm rooms, and lorckerrooms with biological women. What could go wrong? Surely, 550 attorneys wouldn’t write a document that jeopardizes a demographic of women 15-24 years old!
Surely, some of those lawyers know they have created a Möbius strip of paragraphs so convoluted they turn back on themselves to rob women of equality.
But maybe not. The proof of the convolution lies in the many attempts in the document to clarify previous clarifications. Title IX forbids discrimination on the basis of gender and is supported in this restriction by a 2021 Executive Order from Biden but it allows separate teams for the sexes. So, a school can have a girls’ basketball team, but cannot prohibit a male from participating on the team if that male identifies as female. Seems the lawyers can’t resolve the issue of sex versus gender when gender is the arbitrary issue at hand.
Now, imagine a junior high school girl on a girls’ basketball team, a college coed on a university team, or a coach of a women’s team. Do I have to make a comment here? Want to frustrate your brain? Read through the sections on menstruation and lactation.