Y: That gathering in D.C. on November 14 was large, one of the largest ever.
O: Are you serious?
Y: Sure, whenever did 300,000 people gather like that?
O: What about that “Women’s March on Washington” after Trump was elected? Lots of screaming, angry Young people like you. Weren’t you there? Some 500,000…
Y: Oh! Shoot. I forgot about that one; but no, I wasn’t there.
O: And What about that 1969 march on D.C. I think that one was at least twice as large as the recent pro-Israel protest.
Y: I wasn’t alive then. You’re the Old person.
O: The “Million Mom March”? Forgot that one; three-quarters of a million marching against gun violence. You were pretty young at the beginning of this century, so that’s another march you wouldn’t have paid attention to.
Y: I’m sure you’ll tell me there were others.
O: “Million Man March,” same size group as the “Million Mom March”; LGB march of about a million back in ’93, just three years before you were born. Lots of other big marches, though those with more than 300,000 were the most notable I can think of, and I wasn’t around for others, like the 50,000 KKK march on D.C, but I have read about them.l
Y: Still, that march yesterday was…
O: You know what you Young people exhibit?
Y: I’m sure you’ll tell me.
O: Dissociation disorders.
Y: You should be careful about whom you label. Often people project; I’ll bet that whatever you tell me next will be a projection of you onto me.
O: I’ll admit that many descriptions fit the projection model. But give me a chance here.
Y: Fire away. Then I’ll comment.
O: I didn’t want to make this political, but it seems that the young are led by Left-leaning media, both social and mainstream. The prevailing media moguls control what’s kept in memory or what’s forgotten. The power to control memory is a power that controls belief. I just saw that MSNBC discussed how wonderful Biden has been in bringing the world together. That’s selective thinking and a bit dissociative. Who has been brought together? The Taliban and Al Qaeda? Hezbollah, Hamas, Yemeni, Iran, and Russia? China and Russia? If there’s an agenda in the mainstream media, it’s an agenda of mind control, and much of that is achieved by selective dissociations, by removing people, places, and activities from memory either by ignoring incidents as they occur—like the Hunter Biden laptop story or the Biden garage classified document story—or by a bombardment of negative coverage of whatever the Press doesn’t want you to know. How many reports on the annual “March for Life” have you ever seen in the mainstream media? Were you even aware of that annual march? It’s a forced amnesia.
Y: Sorry, I have to interrupt. What’s this got to do with those marches? What’s this have to do with political stances?
O: Give me a chance.
Y: Okay.
O: The folks who label our psyches say there are three kinds of dissociated disorders: Depersonalization/derealization disorder, dissociative amnesia, and dissociative identity disorder. That reference you made to the march was an example of the amnesia kind.
Y: Hold on a minute. I’ve read about those disorders in psych class. That kind of amnesia is brought on by some traumatic event. Dissociation is not a group thing, I learned. It’s personal, individual, and isolated.
O: Yes, it is for psychiatrists, but it’s time for a new qualifier: Dissociative group amnesia brought on by persistent and pervasive social and mainstream media. Brainwashing, so to speak. I’ll give you an apolitical example. Take the O.J. Simpson trial. It got national attention; people were glued to the actual trial proceedings shown daily for 37 weeks, and the verdict received the attention of the final episodes of Mash and Seinfeld. And, here’s my point: It was labeled “Trial of the Century.” Like your reference to the large pro-Israel march, it occurred in the vacuum of forgetfulness and ignorance.
Y: Ignorance of…
O: What about the Sacco and Vanzetti Trial? That one sparked protests and motivated writers. Kids still write research papers on the 1920 trial. You realize there were a half dozen plays written on that trial. Numerous TV programs, too. Even poems and songs. And the books. Oh! the books. More than a dozen of them, and at least one making mention of the trial as recently as a year ago * O.J. Simpson? Sure, those who were alive in the mid-90s remember it. He’s still known for it; just saw a pic of him in the media, so the paparazzi are still out there looking for him, keeping him and the idea of “the trial of the century” in our minds. But that Sacco and Vanzetti trial? There’s a “trial of the century” that the uneducated modern Press forgot about or were ignorant of. And that one is matched by a trial that occurred a dozen years later, the trial of Bruno Hauptmann, accused of kidnapping and killing the child of one of the most famous men in modern history, Charles Lindbergh.** Like the Sacco and Vanzetti trial, the Hauptmann trial inspired authors, also. But what of the arguably biggest trials of the twentieth century, the Nuremberg Trials? I think some 20 or more Nazis were put on trial for their genocidal actions. Did the American and British Press have no one old enough to either remember or to study the twentieth century, the very period of their births? How could the Press label the O.J. Simpson trial the “Trial of the Century”? it’s because of a dissociative amnesia brought on not by trauma, but rather by ignorance, or laziness, or narcissism that makes the people believe that the world began with their births and that only the Now is what counts. That, my friend, is a dissociation. In fact, it’s two kinds, both amnesia and derealization dissociation. And it’s not much different from your position on the recent march. That’s also an indication of how revising history controls the present and influences a future long after an original incident.
Y: Okay, I see your point. I’ll admit to a tendency to see the world only as a Now and only in light of a constant barrage of media. But that works both ways. You Old people are just as guilty, or were just a susceptible to such manipulation in your youth.
O: I guess I have to admit you’re right about that. In fact, just about everyone seems to selectively dissociate. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have a world of continuous warfare. The people recruited for terrorist organizations would understand that their causes will cause their own deaths just as previous generations of fighters willingly sent themselves on a continuous death march. The dissociation of depersonalization and derealization accompanies the group amnesia imposed by unscrupulous leaders.
Y: Yes. I got your point, and I know that my contemporaries do lack both historical knowledge and the ability to see when they are being dissociated from reality. That’s one of the reasons that even though I am young, I have made a decision not to participate in spur of the moment marches. Besides, I don’t know that they accomplish anything positive if they aren’t covered by news outlets with audiences of opposing views. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a report on MSNBC about the “March for Life,” and I guess I wouldn’t see one unless there were some incident that the network could blame on extremists.
O: Oh! In fact, there was such an incident. Remember Nicholas Sandmann, the Catholic school youth from Covington, Kentucky? *** The mainstream media took a video of Sandmann and blew it into a negative story about the march. CNN, the Washington Post, and NBC Universal ended up losing law suits over that manipulation of the news in their attempt to dissociate reality from their common agendas. Little Nick won millions from those media outlets for their defamation of character. The point you make is correct. Take the Occupy Wall Street protest movements. They generated positive news coverage by the Left-leaning media and social media even though those movements were marred by numerous arrests, more than 8,000 of them. And among the crimes committed by the “occupiers,” were rapes and assaults. Not much of that got covered by the mainstream Press. But, lo-and-behold! When the Tea Party marched peacefully in protest, the media made them out to be terrorists, even though there were only some seven misdemeanors. Seems that grandpa and grandma are prone to violence when they march.
Y: Yeah, I see the manipulation now. I see that the pro-Israel march was viewed differently from the pro-Hamas marches in the Leftist media. I guess they do effectively promote a dissociation between their audiences and reality.
O: All of us need to learn about dissociations imposed on us by people with an agenda. We see group dissociation amnesia imposed by textbook writers who want to change history. We see it imposed by reporters lost in the vacuum of ignorance about the past. We see it in ourselves when we choose to ignore reality.
*Laurie, Margo. 2022. The Anarchist’s Wife.
**Benjamin, Melanie. 2013. The Aviator’s Wife. Was this the inspiration for Laurie’s novella published nine years later?