Would that those reporters who perpetrated the story without evidence and who received accolades for their dt-dit-ditting the fabrication might acknowledge the error of their ways, their outright prejudice, their hubris, and their gullibility. But, No, not so. Instead, after the Durham report excoriated the FBI and government agents for allowing the myth to become an American legend, those reporters—both in the press and on TV—continue to dig in, particularly by dismissing the findings in the report as insignificant.
Insignificant? Two impeachments and some devastating harassment of innocent individuals? The election of inarticulate Biden and babbling Harris and their policies of energy dependence, broken borders, pervasive fentanyl, unbridled spending, and creeping socialism? And don't forget the peripheral accusations against conservative minds as racist and xenophobic. Late night comedians still refuse to see the folly of the Left to the amusement of their gullible audiences! Pundits on the Left see no differences in the Justice Department’s unequal treatment of alleged crimes? Pulitzer Prizes and other awards! Censorship? Insignificant?
And the most ridiculous of all statements posted by the Post: “The Post stands by its reporting.” Isn’t that akin to saying, “It doesn’t matter, suckers.”
Yes, the old technology was rather primitive, but it seems to have conveyed at least a little more trustworthy news than what has been conveyed recently by “respected papers” like The Old Gray Lady and the Washington Post, by the Leftwing news organizations’ nightly reports, and by the many social media outlets intent on quashing any dissenting views backed by obvious substantive reporting. There has always been corruption in government and bias in reporting, but the recent debacle of the "Russian Collusion" stands out as an actual attempted coup. One might think such an event would be worth reporting accurately, especially under the light of the Durham report.
Dt-dit-dit this: “Americans with brains no longer trust the government to be impartial and the Press to be accurate.” Dt-dit-dit…
*See YouTube clips under the titles: “Jingle Bells on a WW2 Teletype,” “Teletype Model 28 ASR Copying ITTY-Museum of Communications-Seattle,” “Lorenz Model 15 Teletype.”