Succinct. Bottom-line stuff. Typical of a successful businessman who wants to get things done—yesterday. My late friend Joe Hardy, successful entrepreneur and founder of, among other entities, 84 Lumber, was driven similarly to achieve practical goals efficiently. No platitudes. No beating around the bush. Clear and measured. Clear and measurable goals, as all three of Trump’s goals can be quantified. For Trump, who knew Joe, the thinking seems to be the same: “Give me something I can count, not some utopian and amorphous set of touchy-feely mandates that drove the last administration bent on equity and diversity at the expense of equal opportunity and merit.” Sure, Trump’s goals are utilitarian, but what logical argument can be made against them in a world filled with self-proclaimed enemies of America?
But the Leftist Media Thinks Differently
Apparently, the talking heads on the liberal networks have a problem with such specificity. They prefer the Biden-Harris feckless foreign policy, ambiguous goals, and DEI policies to hard truths. And in ranting about Nazis and Fascists, they fail to ask themselves, “Are we against American strength, safety, and prosperity?”
The Left seeks refuge in scapegoating when it can’t bully or when it fears its truths are exposed as false gods. You can see such scapegoating in action as liberals blame climate change for the fires in Los Angeles and not insufficient plans, cluttered forest floors, an empty reservoir, and an absentee mayor and incompetent governor who is more concerned about a liberal agenda and Trump-proofing than the people of his state.
Stronger, safer, more prosperous. Works for me. How about you?