Endless Comments Passing like Ships in the Night
Any perusal of chats on social media reveals that they can run endlessly without resolution. They consist of a few rational comments and a plethora of vile diatribes protected by anonymity in many instances. They do not—as all promised venues of communication promise—result in a meeting of minds. Social media appears to be where minds clash. There’s a reality of give-and-give, not give-and-take.
The product of responding to others’ tweets lies in the futility of such exchanges. Read through almost any set of online comments to discover something akin to a stalemate game of chess played through the US Postal Service. The game lasts with no checkmate in sight. As long as a website maintains the comments, the comments go on.
Unfortunately, though presidents have an option for commenting on policy in press conferences and official press releases, they have found themselves limited by a Press that is either antagonistic—as in the Bush and Trump years—or fawning—as in the Clinton, Obama, and Biden years. The fawning Press of the twenty-first century has failed to offer true exchanges as representatives of their audiences. The antagonistic Press has failed in a different way, that is, by refusing to research information. Nothing epitomizes this more than the false stories about Russians colluding with Trump, border agents whipping migrants, and Trump putting kids in cages—this last one based on pictures taken during the Obama years.
Thus, the fawning Press used the terminology offered by the government to shape public opinion and failed to question or cover the effects of bad policies like open borders and sanctuary cities. The Press said or wrote little about the consequences of Biden’s border policy, his EV mandates, his shutting down union jobs on the Keystone Pipeline, his war on fossil fuels and energy, and his inflationary spending. Whereas the Press made much of George Bush’s playing golf, they made little mention of Obama’s 300-plus golf outings, suggesting that the former was out of touch while the latter was somehow in touch with the wars they oversaw.
Advice to Trump if He Wins the Election
Writing responses to your detractors on your smart phone is dumb. You aren’t going to convince those who hate you through endless back-and-forth social media exchanges. Silence is the best response to hateful comments. Just enact sane policies like closing the border and protecting Americans and their rights to free speech, property, and self determination without excessive government regulations.
Advice to Harris if She Wins the Election
Stop cackling and start talking in meaningful coherent sentences without platitudes and redundancies. When you do talk, do not merely mouth socialism’s utopian generalities that have never become incarnate in a functioning productive society without decimating that society.