The two generals met on neutral turf (or sand) years later in Syria. Scipio asked Hannibal to name the greatest generals. Hannibal ranked Alexander the Great first, Pyrrhus, one of Rome’s previous enemies, second, and himself as the third greatest general. In his ranking, Hannibal sang his own praises by listing his many victories.
The Roman general then asked Hannibal if his opinion might be different had he defeated Scipio in their epic battle. In a subtle compliment, Hannibal said that had he won that battle, he would rank himself first over all other generals who ever led armies. Scipio must have been pleased.
A compliment in any form is still a compliment, but one grudgingly given speaks more of pride than praise. You might not win every battle, and one that you lose might be more to the credit of your opponent than to a weakness on your part. Sometimes you run into someone who is, at least for a moment or in a particular situation, better than you. Give praise where praise is due.