Could there be any greater example of juxtaposition than there was at the 2024 DNC? Wealthy Obamas and “self-proclaimed” billionaire Governor JB Pritzker spoke to an adoring crowd that also heard “self-proclaimed” socialist Bernie Sanders speak? Could there have been a more telling reaction of folly than a crowd of head bobbing, elated delegates showing glee when Pritzker proudly pointed out his wealth, gesturing by pointing his finger toward himself like a fist-thumping silverback? (
What’s an on-the-street Democrat supposed to think? “Do we want individuals to be extraordinarily wealthy, or do we want everyone to be hampered by crushing taxes that support never-ending giveaways?” “What is our platform?” “What are our values?”
So, the “party of the people,” the party that wants to tax the 1% into poverty, seems perfectly happy to elect a billionaire as governor. Is it because Pritzker lived the American dream of starting off poor and working his way, shovel, pick, hammer and drill, to success? Or is it because he inherited wealth from his family’s Hyatt Hotels? And Pritzker himself? Does he want his money taxed at 70% so that the poor can have what he has—less, of course, the income and luxury stuff? One would think he might, at least, help Bernie Sanders pay for a fourth home.
And Sanders? What was he thinking as Pritzker spoke about “serenity.” Sanders had just said, “Brothers and sisters, bottom line we need an economy that works for all of us not just the billionaire class…My fellow Americans, when 60% of us live paycheck to paycheck. the top 1% have never ever had it so good.”
Pritzker, the Obamas, the Biden family, Nancy Pelosi, and Bernie Sanders himself, are among those who “never had it so good.” The gleeful delegates shaking their heads in approval as Pritzker proclaimed he was “a real billionaire” need to ask themselves whose policies they really want to support.