Try applying the same accuracy to the measurement of your life that you apply to others’ lives.
Does your reliance on clock and calendar hint at a need to connect in a disparate society?
Regret and pride vie for control of the past. Anxiety and eagerness vie for control of the future.
Youth never comprehends the passage to age through experience.
A gas gauge indicating empty isn’t necessarily precise. Keep going to discover the next station.
Want to be called Homo sapiens sapiens? Earn the designation.
Most of the architecture of our lives is an agglomeration of lean-tos.
Predicting actions caused by human faults is more complex than predicting seismic events.
Directly or indirectly, we set in motion more than we can possibly foresee.
Ask yourself how (and why) you conform to your culture’s conventions.
Confidence is the product of self-reliance. “Ne te quaesiveris extra,” as Ralph Waldo Emerson says.
We overlook our common value when we deem others to be less significant.
Scapegoating is the first refuge of a frightened mind.
Bolting faulty perspectives to feel secure inhibits accepting a constant flow of ideas and information.
Anticipate what you can, and deal the best you can with the rest.
What we anticipate is rarely a problem.
Alternative truths aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.
Cultural simplification inhibits individual diversity.
Ask yourself whether in following, you are relinquishing leading.
Complexities make long-term weather forecasts chancy at best, human forecasts even more so.
In the morning ask, “What is it that I don’t want to ‘leave out?’ to avoid a night of regret.
Be careful not to conflate attribute and person in your effort to simplify others.
The greatest gift we can give the world is peace: Focus your energy on becoming a peaceful presence for others.
Experience does not guarantee the validity of truths to which you obstinately cling.
Try making commitments without caveats.
If you insist on judging your life by comparison, at the very least, ignore your first impressions.
Pride causes us to mistake knowledge for wisdom.
In comparing our falls to the falls of others, we don’t see an equivalence.
As word alchemists, do we seek to turn “base metal” to “gold” or “gold” to “base metal”?
Don’t’ mistake shadow for substance.
To understand yourself, analyze the forces that shaped you.
Looking for a Loch Ness monster or an ancient alien? No belief turns speculation into fact.
With regard to opportunity, saying. “Yes” offers no guarantee; saying “No” guarantees failure.
Say “Thanks” to someone today.
Affinity for a group doesn’t provide an ethical reason for defending its wrongs.
Why is inexactitude a virtue in defense of our ideas but a vice in others’ defense of theirs?
Rather than fear them, consider our differences as manifestations of cosmic complexity.
Is there an innate penchant to destroy beyond necessity?
In contrast to our biological cosmopolitanism, we often exhibit an ideological parochialism.
Success is never guaranteed, but hard work makes it possible.
Can we solve others’ personal problems or only offer procedures to reach solutions?
Perseverance is a practical virtue.
Pride, the “root of sin,” is also the root (and the rot?) of individualism.
The Web houses spiders of accusations whose toxins make mobs dance in a trance.
There is no better time to thank those who cared for and about you.
We memorialize what we deem significant in a particular place and time.
Replace your Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) with Distraction Deficit Order (DDO).
Do you find it strange that anarchists organize rallies?
Does your “moral field” shift just as Earth’s magnetic field shifts? Check your moral compass.
How fast you recover from insult defines your character.
Our predispositions can turn hallucinations into harmful realities.
Ideological perspectives tinged with emotions foil rational discussions.
If you want to keep your privacy, abandon your addiction to the Game of Phones.
To make progress in a canoe of disagreement, people must face the same direction when they paddle.
Knowledge of natural phenomena and processes is a key to a safer and more secure life.
Like toddlers rejecting a spoonful of medicine, adults refuse to open up for alternative reasoning.
Beware lest you believe mere wish or will can alter unalterable realities.
Chill out. Your life isn’t as complex as you lead yourself to believe.
When the astounding becomes commonplace, make the effort to renew.
Within any society individual drives drive individuals.
Like medicines, every choice comes with side effects.
Eliminating ennui doesn’t have to involve unnecessary risk.
We’re always sure until we discover than we aren’t.
Your ideological adversaries are not disembodied avatars on social media, but rather real people.
For the purposeful, a heart well-tried with trouble powers the drive to succeed.
Provide support for those teetering n emotional imbalance.
Individuality protects us from mob mentality.
How confident are you that you can interpret minds and motivations correctly?
Each of choreographs a dance of life.
Let no one choreograph your dance of life.
What do you consider to be the center of your life?
New ideas lie at the limiting boundaries of what we believe.
Breaking free from the inertia of culture is a matter of mind.
We fail to assess the personal meaning of others’ “strange” behaviors while accepting our behaviors as “normal.”
What will you do today to consecrate a place by work nobly advanced?
We hybridize ourselves as we adapt to the changing nature of place.
All issues aren’t issues for all. New golden rule: see others’ issues as you want them to see yours.
Grass on your side of the fence might be “greener grass” from another’s perspective.
Resilience is a chief characteristic of successful people.
Every stress provides an opportunity to experiment in the lab of life.
It’s a good day to acknowledge the work others do to ensure your successes.
Launch a rescue boat from your island of Self to help those foundering in nearby rough seas of emotional pain.
If you want a more peaceful world, be judicious whenever you decide to hit “Forward” or “Retweet.”
In a frenetic and cacophonous world make smoothing sounds the earworm to which your pulse dances.
Those who bicker are like fan blades. Relative positions don’t change even during the fastest spins.
Change the expression “Have a great day” to “Make a day great” or “Make your day great.”
Ability is important, but persistence gets the job done.
Today’s question: “How will you influence the future?”
Negative behaviors are litter on an otherwise clean and beautiful beach. Keep your beach clean.
Filter your input before you cause contention by your output.
What we do we own.
There is a way to eliminate hate: Just don’t think it.
During the blackness of grief, we continue to absorb light. In time, color will return.
Cherish mystery in relationships; you can never objectify why they work.
Variance is a principle in the lab of life.
Dry the tears of those in pain.
Our life-pendulums swing between being a part of to being apart from.
As authors of our lives, we always have the potential to revise.
Human variability doesn’t negate a common humanity.
Following a beaten path? Do some intellectual off-roading today.
In crossing life’s barriers, we change, and we also change the barriers.
Only our pride makes us think we are multidimensional, but our intellectual opponents are only one-dimensional.
It’s time to see the substance, not the appearance of others.
All humans experience hurt Consider that when you think you see greener grass.
No wall is stronger than one built by self-knowledge, integrity, and belief in one’s own worth.
If you can, exude peace rather than impose it.
Daily you build the edifice of your life.
Without you, the universe would be a different place and have a different destiny.
Sometimes an apparent “evil” or hardship is just an opportunity to learn who we are.
Feeling unappreciated? Recognize your self-worth and ability to stand alone.
Our mental maps are templates for behavior and attitude.
Your destiny is an expanding perspective. Don’t limit yourself.
No personality is a singular entity.
Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean there’s nothing in it worth your effort to understand.
Worth repeating: What we anticipate is rarely a problem.