So, does it surprise you that with the advent of social media attacks once limited to neighborhood gossip, then newspapers and magazines, and radio and television, have now jumped onto the Web? You have another wall to erect on top of the walls you have already constructed against viruses, bacteria, wild organisms like spiders, ticks, and mosquitoes, trips down stairs, malicious gossip in the neighborhood, and maybe meteorites.
It’s a great planet, and regardless of the risks it imposes, you are probably happy you chose this one for your residence. Venus is out. Too hot and too acidic. Mars is too dry and cold. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Eris all offer their own versions of inhabitability and grave dangers. But Earth? You’re here, aren’t you? That means you have so far had the measures to ward off to varying degrees all attacks on your defenses.
The biological and physical attacks you defend against will never cease. And now, round the world, the emotional attacks spread in a pandemic. Unfortunately, there’s not really a cure, not even one in development on some research table. There’s only personal, emotional defense and, if you are concerned about others, a washing-of-hands-during-flu-season-and-not-coughing-in-a-crowded-elevator approach.
You might not be infected or affected. That would be great. But you might see emotional disease spreading through others, and you know it can ruin lives. Why contribute in any way? Here’s a temporary and partial cure for a malicious Webdemic. When you see an attacking organism spreading, just don’t click “Forward” or “Retweet.”