Ever provide a word or finish a sentence for someone who had a temporary lapse? A broken chain of thought? It can happen to anyone, right? But… infrequently for most until we fog out in complete dementia.
That’s what happened recently when a reporter had to interject “Hamas” into the President’s press conference. He seemed to have forgotten the name, substituting the generic “opposition” for Hamas. It was a week of forgetfulness for Old Joey. Or should I say a week of false and inaccurate memories, such as meeting with François Marie Adrien Maurice Mitterrand long after the Frenchman had died? * But then accurate memories aren’t demonstrably the forte of Joe Biden, the “top of the class student with three degrees,” and “big rig driver.” Joe’s world has strange colored clouds.
I recently saw this ostensibly feeble old man shuffle up to the mic to address the American people on the issue of the border. Essentially what he said is that any border crisis is Trump's fault. He completely ignored his own involvement in opening the border through executive orders. He completely ignored the lure of Democratic-run “sanctuary cities” and offers of free stuff, from phones to education to healthcare to transportation to housing….and now in New York, to cash handouts. ** Although I am not an expert in the executive powers of the president, I assume, I think reasonably, that a president can rescind his own executive orders. Like so many others, I also wonder why he seems to put more emphasis on the borders of other countries than he puts on American borders, but maybe I have an idea (see below). And for the first time that I have heard, he mentioned fentanyl in his talk, seeming to arrive a little late to the party, I’d say by more than 100,000 Americans who died during his watch.
Why mention the border now? Is it because it’s a leap year? That looming election? The 300,000 encounters at the border in a single month? Democrat mayors—complicit in the surge—complaining?
I have mentioned elsewhere, quantities and numbers seem to carry little importance in the modern liberal mind unless they result in inordinate spending, that is, in giveaways; thus, the 34 trillion-dollar debt we’ve accrued, much of it under Obama and Biden—and under feckless Republicans. Numbers are only relevant in “context,” largely the context of special interest groups. *** Right now, for example, the inflation rate is decreasing, a “fact” the Administration is happy to mention without saying, “Yes, everything we did in the first year of the Biden Administration accelerated inflation, and no high prices will fall to their former low level, but inflation isn’t nine to eleven percent anymore. You’re welcome.”
Quemoy and Matsu
I assume that Joe, who is just a pinch older than I, remembers the Nixon-Kennedy debate that centered on defending the islands Quemoy and Matsu that had come under Communist attack. I also assume that deep in his brain lies the mantra “If we don’t stop Communism there, it will take over the Free World.” It might be that argument that underlies his desire to protect the borders of other countries. But as he implements that Cold War policy, he simultaneously has allowed an insidious Marxism to fester in this country, has opened the cyber and real borders to Chinese and Russian operatives, and has shown evident weakness in his withdrawal from Afghanistan, where he left an air base and military equipment for the Taliban to use.
Jill’s Upset
I can understand the First Lady’s anger at any news detrimental to her husband’s reputation. **** Robert Hur’s recent report that Biden is a “well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory,” was a direct attack on her husband. But we’re looking at the “leader of the Free World,” the commander of the most powerful military, and the guy with the pen that writes the executive orders.
Sorry, Jill. We’ve seen you lead the guy around as he wanders confused on stage. We’ve seen him slap-walk, and we’ve seen him stumble. We’ve heard him utter gibberish. We've heard him say, "I better not say, or I might get in trouble." Consider, Jill, that many of us are upset by the thought of a guy with diminished faculties leading a nation of 330 million people--if he is, in fact, the actual leader.
*Or, maybe, he communes with the dead like Mrs. Clinton, who channelled Mrs. Roosevelt. You know the truly comedic circumstance encompassing comics like those late night guys Colbert and Kimmel? It’s that they can’t see the treasure chest of humor in Democrat politicians, particularly in a guy who falls off a bike, makes up a false past, plagiarizes, and trails off into uh-ness when he addresses reporters.
***Great for publicity, of course, unless a transmanwoman like Rose Montoya flashes hisher breasts on the White House lawn shortly after meeting POTUS.