That the White House banned all “religious” symbols from the annual Easter egg hunt is an irony that only the feebleminded would miss. Somehow the self-proclaimed elites at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. fail to associate the “holiday” celebration with its origin. Duh. Easter, the primary religious reason behind the faith of an estimated 2.2 billion Christians. Yeah, faith, Mr. WH Staffer.
Secularizing Doesn’t Require Abandoning Religious References
Holiday? Yes, Holy-day. Holy, as in religious feast day, a liturgical designation specific to followers of Christ. Easter for Christians is the promise that this life—which is not practice, by the way—doesn’t end in an oblivion called death. Easter is the promise that there’s “something more,” something—an existence—that is beyond time, something that has no earthly or cosmic analog.
Skeptics might scoff at such belief, but chances are that in their skepticism, they embrace other beliefs, such as there is no afterlife. Christians might question the skeptics on the very grounds that skeptics use for questioning them. “No afterlife, you say? Your proof?”
White House staffer: “Humans invented religion, indeed, invented God, just as they invented Godzilla.”
Christian: “And scientists, without physical evidence expect me to accept the hypothesis that “virtual particles come into existence out of nothing to make a world of something. Just how does that process work? I can accept a world I cannot see, but I have trouble with your faith in virtual particles. How does your faith differ from mine?”
White House staffer: “We can’t support the display of something that might offend people.”
Christian: “Aren’t you selecting whom to offend?”
Bizarre Game of Twister
It appears that the folks at the White House want their cake after devouring it. They have established that a traditional Easter egg hunt is worth continuing without continuing the very essence of the tradition from which it originated. They appear to be obsessed with not being “religious” lest they offend some random person who is similarly obsessed with not being religious—i.e., someone driven by disdain for any beliefs not his own, usually someone who mocks or dismisses others’ faiths while professing some other faith, such as faith in big government run by anonymous bureaucrats like those who shut down the country during COVID to the detriment of businesses and kids.
Easter egg hunt without religious symbols? It’s like playing some bizarre game of mental Twister, neurons trying to contact different markings on the politically correct game mat.
But Haven’t We Secularized Christmas and Halloween, also?
For differing reasons, there have been efforts to eliminate all public references to faith, particularly Christian faith, mostly on the assumption that permitting a religious display in the public forum is a promotion off the religion. Yes, secularizing is now an American tradition that seeks to eliminate not every reference to religion, but rather any Christian reference.
The removal of public crèches is evidence. Yet, there’s little pushback from local governments that are willing to allow Satanists and other groups to emplace public displays based on First Amendment rights.
BC, AD, BCE, and CE
Even so-called bright people fail to see the irony in their Twister games. Since the time of Dionysius Exiguus, European cultures have run on a time scale divided into BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, “in the year of the Lord,” specifically, all years beginning with the 754th year after the founding of Rome). Dionysius, living half a millennium after the birth of Christ, might have been off the mark by four to six or seven years; thus, the current year isn’t necessarily 2,024 years AD, and that means all those “millennium parties” at the turn of the century weren’t truly millennium parties.
Did I just write AD? Sorry, I meant CE, that is “the Common Era.” That’s the abbreviation used nowadays by “scientists”, “historians,” and “academics,” all seemingly unaware of the irony. They still divide the time scale by the date of Christ’s birth, but…well, as Shakespeare wrote, “a rose by any other name….”
Every science and historical journal uses the politically correct temporal designations. All today’s “intellectuals” subscribe to the use of BCE and CE, seemingly without recognizing their dependence on Christ’s birth as the foundation of the time scale. They have convinced themselves that doing away with BC and AD has freed them from the shackles of religion and somehow elevated them to objectivity. Do they not realize that the Year One still marks Christ’s birth?
The PC White House, Mainstream Media, Government Agencies, and Iconoclast Liberals
Who is more obsessed with religion, the Evangelicals or those who attack or attempt to quash their language, values, and traditions? Who are the real fools, those who simply carry on traditions two millennia old without making a public issue or those who obsess over others’ beliefs and practices under the assumption that a religious symbol on an egg will cause harm?
Egghead? It’s a word that needs to be redefined. Sorry for the pun, but the yolk, hard boiled or not, is definitely on those in the White House--even though they won't get it.