Now, why didn't our leaders think of that?
If we haven’t heard it or mouthed it ourselves, we all know “If you kids don’t stop that right now…,” usually an empty threat made to kids horsing around or teasing one another in the backseat on the way to…anywhere. Well, now Papa Xi has voiced it in regard to mass killings or injurious knife attacks and car attacks. “I said stop it. And I mean it. I’m not going to say it again.”
Yeah. Wish someone in the US or Germany had said that before the recent attacks by gun and car (Magione in the US, Taleb A, a Saudi doctor, in Germany) by people disgruntled over grievances they associated with groups or businesses. It seems that China has experienced increasing numbers of such attacks. Thus, Xi’s order. And the grievances have been in response to incidents as diverse as divorce and investment losses.
Really, in these times we’re all living in a car with a backseat overcrowded by rowdy kids. There’s little self control, little putting things in perspective. Consider the guy who drove his car into a crowd in Zhuhai, China, causing 35 casualties.
Remember the expression “going postal”? Here’s AI’s overview of the phrase’s etymology: "Going postal" is an American slang phrase meaning to become extremely angry and violent, often in a workplace setting, and it originates from a series of incidents in the late 1980s where United States Postal Service (USPS) employees committed acts of mass murder against coworkers, managers, and even the public, leading to the association of extreme workplace rage with the postal service.
Of course, it wold be silly to say this is only a modern phenomenon. Innocent people have been victims since…
During the Han Dynasty (second century BC) Liu Pengli, a prince with no compunction, killed many people. Was he aggrieved by his insurance agent? Did the palace mailroom not deliver his mail on time? The point is that some people just have no regard for others, and they will use any personal disturbance as a trigger. They are self absorbed and indifferent to the suffering they cause by their ensuing actions.
Was Hitler responding to rejection by an art school?
I believe many of us want to stop needless suffering caused by disgruntled people. We just don’t know how to be more effective than the frustrated parent dealing with rowdy kids in the backseat. Having been worn down by repeated rowdiness, we take the easy way out of the predicament by gesturing “What do you expect me to do? I can’t be everywhere.” Or, “When your father (or mother) gets home tonight…”
The overriding fact of humanity is that we all have emotional responses to stimuli, but some of us just can’t or won’t control those emotions. Put kids in the backseat and they’ll find a way, if not on one trip, then on another, to frustrate the driver, to elicit a “If you kids don’t…” It happened; it happens; it will continue to happen because no generation learns from previous generations.
If Xi can stop by fiat the deaths and injuries suffered by victims of outraged narcissists, he’ll accomplish what humans have been trying to accomplish since the species arose. I won’t say “more power to him” because that’s precisely how dictators gain more dominance over their people. His message to his people has a dark shroud that might result in further societal disruptions. Like so many dictators, his solution lies in people spying on one another to preemptively thwart such tragic incidents.
It has never worked to prevent individuals from hurting others both known and unknown. It won’t work.
But its ineffectiveness doesn’t prevent us from saying it: “If you kids don’t stop…”