Of course, humans have always been in a process of normalizing thought and behavior to conform to tribal practices. That process is especially obvious today when we look at toddlers wearing masks in public places. Too young to know differently, they see their public world as one of masked individuals. In the home they see whole faces; on TV, also. But when they venture into that outside world…
Pandemics have periodically ravaged human populations and changed the thinking and behavior of the times; now, COVID-19 has even altered fashion. Half faces are the sign of the times. We’re in the process of shaping future “normal” behavior and thought.
Today’s tribes are extensive and geographically separated but brought together through ubiquitous media. The new tribal normal will also reach the very young. Imagine being that first-grader or kindergarten student entering the world of masked classmates for the first time. “Billy, put your mask on properly.” Imagine going through your early years seeing in person only half faces, many of them covered by masks with cartoon animal mouths thought to be “cute.” Imagine hearing the constant corrections from adults to wear the mask properly, to never touch the face, to avoid all physical contact (not that that hasn’t already occurred as society has become paranoid about fraternizing children), and to ostracize oneself if a tickle in the throat elicits a cough. (Or imagine flirting with only eyes and forehead, only to discover later a toothless mouth)
Today, tribal thought and behavior can ravage free minds just as a pandemic can ravage bodies. We are being told that COVID-19 is a serious threat to the tribe. And, indeed, it seems to be one. But the same media that tells us that also avoids telling us that for the seven-month period between October 1, 2019, and April 4, 2020, the CDC estimates roughly between 24,000 and 62,000 deaths from the “ordinary” flu. That disease also caused between 410,000-740,000 hospitalizations, 18 to 26 million medical visits, and 39 to 56 million flu illnesses.** The same media makes little to no mention that the less deadly 2009 H1N1 pandemic killed between 151,700 and 575,400 people worldwide with 60.8 million cases; and 274,304 H1N1 (maybe up to 402,719) hospitalizations, and 8,868-18,306 deaths occurred in the United States, those deaths that can be added to the “ordinary” flu’s toll.
Now, I’ll admit, any statistic that ranges from 24,00 to 62,000 or from 8,868 to 18,306 makes me think the CDC doesn’t really have a handle on sicknesses and their effects. That makes me wonder how the COVID-19 is actually affecting humanity.*** And I wonder more so when I hear anecdotes about false positives and ineffective testing.
Of course, once in the mind, any thought is difficult to extract.**** Once in a behavioral pattern, any practice is difficult to change. That people are more aware of how a disease spreads is probably a good outcome of this pandemic. That the tens of thousands of yearly deaths from flu and other communicable diseases have largely been ignored by those who have the power and ability to convey news is probably bad. So, I have to ask, is all this focus as much about politics as it is about an actual and real threat? Where, for example, was the media outrage over the government’s lack of coordinated response to H1N1 or to the tens of thousands killed by the flu? Was the silence a matter of conditioning to that “normal”? Have we become accustomed to deaths by flu? Ho-hum. Or, was the media’s lack of outrage a matter of supporting a political position by omission?
And for you? How have you “normalized” your thinking and behavior over the past half year?
*Jesus Christ Superstar. Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber; lyrics by Tim Rice.
**CDC. You can search the CDC’s website for statistics on illnesses and deaths.
*** That millions of people have contracted the disease and that many have died is a hard reality and a cause for behavioral changes. That some—no one knows how many—deaths attributed to the disease were actually mislabeled is a fact. Here’s the CDC guideline on reporting the cause of death: Vital Statistics and Reporting Guidance https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvss/vsrg/vsrg03-508.pdf
In the document, you will find this paragraph: “In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.”
****Remember that any repeated message soon makes the brain accept that message as true. Not my thought, but I accept it because I heard it more than once.