They are under attack for spewing enteric methane, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. They are under attack for making milk. They are under attack for needing grasslands that once supported healthy forests with happy little bunnies, squirrels, deer, and ticks. Cows. They might even be under a threat of extinction because PETA doesn’t want us wearing leather belts, jackets, and shoes.
But they have their defenders. Especially at the USDA and in the Los Angeles school system. Milk’s on the menu. Shouldn’t it be? It’s a source of Ca, K, P, and vitamin D. All stuff the human body needs. Ignore the lactose for the intolerant, of course.
But can’t we just milk an almond? A coconut? Some cashews or soy?
Marielle Williamson doesn’t like milk. We know that because she tried to distribute literature promoting nondairy milk in her school. Brave high schooler, indeed! Female matador! Or maybe, if not a matador, at least a self-appointed banderillerio planting barbed sticks of defiance into ultra-sensitive school administrators standing in the ruedo. Without permission, she entered the plaza de toros carrying only the banner of nondairy products. “BS,” they said, that is, “No, not without also praising dairy. We’re for free speech, but only if you don’t take a stand against what we stand for. We grew up on cow’s milk; we like ice cream, yogurt, and chocolate milk; we get government subsidies based on compliance with government agencies. We follow the science of nutrition the USDA tells us to follow. Can someone get these banderillas out of our backs? We might get an infection from the little barbs of dissent.”
So, now, Marielle is embroiled in not just a campaign to ban milk but also in a campaign for free speech. And the irony in a liberal state like California is that the government is committed to eliminating greenhouse gas emissions that include enteric methane emitted by cows. No doubt it will soon be involved in a Dutch-like controversy over nitrogen emissions from manure. One might think the …
But no. There’s no avenue of modern liberalism that does not lead one in a circle of contradictory principles. “Save the world from global warming, but, please, don’t limit cow farting. They give us milk.” Free expression means voicing favored expressions in the schools of Los Angeles. “Who does she think she is carrying a red cape of free choice and dissent that distracts us from the status quo in an arena where most of the onlookers wear blue?”
Marielle probably didn't realize that by stepping into the ruedo to fight the bulls, she would also risk stepping in BS.