You know magnets (bar, horseshoe, geo) as coupled. North poles are accompanied by South poles. They’re inseparable, as Pletrus Peregrinus de Maricourt reported in his 13th-century Epistola Petri Peregrini de Maricourt ad Sygerum de Foucaucourt, Militem, de Magnete (“Letter on the Magnet of Peter Peregrinus of Maricourt to Sygerus of Foucaucourt, Soldier”). Yes. Take a bar magnet with its North and South poles and cut it in half to find two bar magnets each with its own North and South poles. You can keep halving, but you will never reach a monopole particle, the smallest bar magnet with only a single pole. Nevertheless, physicists postulate and look for the hypothetical monopole as predicted by Paul Dirac and others: An isolated magnetic charge that is uncoupled, a North without a South or visa versa. The math that favors the existence of such an entity has never been indisputably linked to reality through experiment. The physicists have been looking in the wrong place. I believe. They should be looking at politics instead of at products of accelerators and cyclotrons, specifically at the politics (and policies) of Kamala Harris.
But First, Something about Magnetic Fields and Flipping Poles
The biggest local bar magnet you experience is Earth. Our planet has a geomagnetic field. With its iron solid inner and liquid iron outer cores, Planet Earth maintains two main magnetic poles and a number of smaller magnetic fields. You can locate the direction of the main field with a compass. Earth’s current north magnetic pole is located in the Northern Hemisphere, but it has lain in the Southern Hemisphere many times, and it is now drifting and weakening, possibly closing in on another flip.
Don’t confuse Magnetic North for Geographic North: compasses point to the magnetic pole, not to the home of Santa. If the two were identical, then Mr. Claus would be living in a mobile home, an RV traveling from KOA to KOA on a trip farther eastward at 28 miles per year from its current location at 86.50°N, 164.4°E. You can account for the difference between geographic and magnetic North by knowing the “declination,” the difference in degrees in direction to either as measured at different places on the planet’s surface. Geographic North is always on a meridian line from your location. The declination of Cairo, Illinois, and Cairo, Missouri, is negative west, for example; at Cairo, Egypt, it’s positive east. Before you start following your compass north know your approximate location to get the declination that enables you to correct your path.
When (It’s inevitable) the field flips, the polar reversal will nullify all current magnetic directions and declinations.
Harris and Her Promised Field Reversal
If Dirac had looked to politics instead of physics, he might have predicted the rise of Kamala Harris to presidential candidate, a monopole of promise and no reality. In the Cosmos, the hypothetical becomes the real in political candidates; the experiment dictates the math, at least it does so in Kamala Harris. The causes of inflation—inordinate government spending, shutdown of energy, and regulations up the you-know-what, plus tax money for illegals—that Harris, coupled with Biden, brought on a charge with no opposite, no counter. But now as candidate, she promises to “reverse” what she caused; she’s looking for a S to her N, and she claims to know how to redirect the field.
She wants a “new direction.” “New”? Based on…
Has she flipped like Earth’s magnetic poles? Suddenly, she recognizes a border crisis. Suddenly, she’s aware (slightly) of crime and the dangers criminal elements pose when they run amok among the innocent. Suddenly, she’s aware of inflation. Sorry. She’s going nowhere round and round in a cyclotron looking for something that doesn’t exist.
And her math, if it’s the old math of her Biden-Harris years, is a disturbing formula for an open border, high prices under inflation, runaway spending charged with government giveaways, and fentanyl deaths. The Biden Harris Administration had but a single pole, one that points to its own failures and nowhere else.
She really is a pole that points to herself. When asked on The View whether or not she would change anything Joe Biden and she did over the course of their administration, she said, “Nothing comes to mind.” (And, as expected, she received no pushback from the highly ideological women on the show. Really, “Nothing comes to mind?” Maybe that’s because like the hypothesized monopole, there is only a hypothetical mind in her head.
Now, I’m going to be kind here and accept that she does have a mind though her incessant cackling and convoluted word salads drive me to think otherwise and that looking for her mind would be analogous to continued circling in a cyclotron with nothing to show for the circling. Yet, she speaks of “a new way forward.” Wouldn’t her “new way forward” imply a need for change and failures? I see that, but Democrats who support her apparently don’t. They will continue to look for something that exists only in hypothesis. “Well, if we elect her, things will be different this time.” (It’s the same thinking that socialists use when looking at socialism’s failures. “We’ll put someone new in charge because the policies are right, but the were implemented by the wrong people”)
Analogs: the Music of Magnetic Shifts and Harris’s Proposed Policy Flips
Remember the expression “music of the spheres”? The reference is to the “celestial spheres” in Ptolemy’s cosmology that was overturned by Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. Essentially, the outermost sphere pushed by the Prime Mover (AKA God) rubbed against the second sphere, and the rubbing moved all the concentric spheres in sequence down to the one closest to Earth. The sound of the moving spheres was that celestial music. Well, it seems that there’s also a more homebound music. Studies of paleo-geomagnetism give us a “music” driven by Earth’s changing magnetism (geomagnetic field), the process of change is accounted for in polar reversals captured in volcanic rock, and scientists converted the shifts into sounds. See . “Scientists reveal the haunting sounds of Earth’s magnetic field flipping. The magnetic reversals are complex, as the video shows.
The music of Earth’s magnetic pole reversals is chaotic, a cacophony. If Harris becomes President, a similar cacophony will play incessantly over at least one continent, the one on whose surface the United States of America now lies.