The next travesty associated with illegal immigration rests squarely on the shoulders of those Democratic senators. God forbid that any one of them suffers a personal loss at the hand of an illegal immigrant, but it seems that only such a loss would convince them that the policy of open borders and the incompetence on the part of the Secretary of Homeland Security do not serve the best interests of the American people.
As I have said many times, that which is not personal is meaningless. Within the bubble of party loyalty and protected by chance, the Democratic senators, who chose not to hear the evidence have committed themselves to continuing an open border and have become complicit in the child abuse, rapes, human trafficking, drug deaths, and crimes generated by illegal aliens. But, hey, it’s not personal; none of their family members have suffered; none of their daughters or wives have been raped; none of their grandchildren have been abused or dropped off in a foreign land to fend for themselves.
If any of those senators’ family members were to experience a crime, injury, or death at the hands of illegal aliens, surely that senator would have a perspective other than the one provided by the Democratic Party. But that which is not personal is meaningless. Protected by chance, they see no meaning in addressing the issue that which by chance and bad fortune has weighed so heavily on the American families that have lost loved ones.
“Party of the People”? I think not.