For those with little experience along beaches, typical images of sandy stretches fill the mind’s picture album. Those with wider experiences know that shores differ because of materials available and the dominant wave activity. Not all beaches are composed of sands. Some have particles best described as boulders.
Bigger particles indicate a relatively rough sea area. Big waves that might wash away tiny sand grains leave behind an accumulation of the “big stuff.” And there might be a lesson in this for all of us.
Resistance to wave erosion lies in the nature of the material. Now think. There you are, a shoreline repeatedly assaulted by the challenges of the world around you, that ocean of responsibilities, tasks, concerns. Are you a sand grain or a boulder? Can you resist the onslaught of storm waves or are you moved by the gentlest of ripples? The waves will continue their 24/7 activities. Will they erode what you are?