But a charging bull? Timing is everything. The Minoan bulls stood nearly six feet at the shoulder, had a wide rack of horns, and tossed their heads upward during an attack. Plus, they ran at varying speeds unlike a car with a driver holding the speedometer steady.
Now, we’ve all seen athletes do some amazing things. An olympic high jumper could easily clear the height of a large bull, as evidenced by the record book. But the crossbar suspended between the verticals is stationary. Timing is all on the jumper, not on both the movement of the jumper and the object to be jumped. Bulls move; high jump crossbars don’t. Timing isn’t foreign to a quarterback hitting the moving receiver with a pass or a batter hitting a changeup after seeing a fastball. Humans can make some pretty remarkable adjustments not only in their athletic endeavors, but also in their daily lives, such as in catching a dropped toothbrush or fork, both of which undergo gravitational acceleration.
But a charging bull? Even matadors have been gored. There’s a certain unpredictability in the process.
One parameter that a bull-leaper has to his advantage is the visibility of the bull. He can see it coming and attempt the jump on the basis of experience. Timing a moving object that changes speed is one of the most difficult assessments we humans have to make. One small miscalculation, and it’s lights out. (Thus, the dangers of hypersonic missiles that change speed and direction)
It’s easier to jump over bull crap, isn’t it. A patty just sits there. One merely has to look and judge his own speed of approach. And it’s smaller than the bull who dropped it indiscriminately. Thus, seeing is everything.
But now, we Americans face a new challenge. We can’t see where the bull crap lies. The FBI and its overlord, the DOJ, won’t give details to Congress. They have actually hidden those details, such as the reported documents about the “Russian Collusion,” the laptop, and even the allegations against the current sitting President. We don’t know what is bull crap. We don’t even know how to avoid it. It’s invisible. In fact, because of the secrecy, we don't even know whether we need to watch where we step or whether or not we're about to be gored.
Not even an ancient Minoan bull-leaper could jump over today’s politically motivated bull crap. It’s invisible. And even when we think we see it, someone in the FBI or DOJ moves it at different speeds. Just when we think we’re in the vicinity and set to jump, they move the crap. So, we can’t time our jump--even when a whistleblower tries to tell us that it exists and where it lies.
Leaping an actual charging bull in ancient times was easier than jumping over today’s bull—.