Kurt Zindulka reports (October 7, 2022) that Caroline Farrow, priest’s wife and mother of five was arrested for “posting offensive statements on the internet.” * Caroline, it seems, was opposed to certain views on gender issues. * So, the thought police showed up at suppertime and arrested her in front of her terrified children, two of who are special needs children. They confiscated without a warrant, the electronic devices in the house, including the IPAD that Caroline’s autistic daughter depended upon to watch Harry Potter for comfort. Yep, Ukraine is burning, tens of thousands of Russian youth are going to almost certain death, energy costs are soaring, the world is on the brink of nuclear war, and the most pressing problem in the UK seems to be some comments by a priest’s wife.
The story might be exaggerated; it might be untrue. And that’s a problem I encounter when I read stories that make me shake my head as I ask to what extent censorship in the twenty-first century afflicts us. Sure, there’s always been censorship; it’s a malady of civilizations that operate on tenuous and artificially maintained hierarchies. You don’t have to hear what you don’t want to hear if you have the power to suppress the opposition or to influence sycophants to ostracize, harm, or even kill those you wish to silence.
Could things be worse in supposedly free societies? Sure. Think of the censorship imposed by the Germans before and during World War II, the Chinese under Mao, and the Russians under Stalin-like Putin. If you don’t live in the UK, Russia, or China, N. Korea, Cuba, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan under the Taliban, or any other such repressive government, you might think the story of Caroline Farrow’s arrest is unimportant, but it tells a tale of unjust imprisonment that people in those countries have experienced for decades and even for centuries.
George Orwell wrote an old story. The fictional 1984 has always been a reality, and it will continue to be a reality. Nineteen eighty-four is every year. But previous 1984 societies have been relatively localized in country by country settings. With globalization and the far reaches of the Web, 1984 could well become a worldwide phenomenon and a way of life that enslaves all free thinkers.
Think I’m wrong? Try saying you have some doubts that global warming is more of an existential threat than nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons in the hands of madmen. Try saying aloud any of today’s trigger words, phrases, or expressions.
If the story of Caroline Farrow’s arrest is true, abandon any hope. Seems that the priest’s wife has already entered Hell. As Dante wrote, “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate”: The woke world IS Hell.