AJ’s Unisex Hair Salon in Stroud, England, advertised for a “happy” stylist: “This is a busy, friendly, small salon, so only happy, friendly stylists need apply.”
No go. The local job center called to say they could not run that ad “because the word ‘happy’ is considered ‘discriminatory.’”* No joke. You don’t have to use much imagination to know owner Alison Birch’s reaction. Birch and some of her clients wondered whether the world had gone completely mad. “Does this mean that every descriptive word is discriminative…happy, tall, smart, elegant?” one person asked.
Yes, you’re right. Some people just need to “get a life.” Let’s guess the next victimization based on identity. I say serial killers and incorrigible thieves will claim discrimination just because they happen to kill people and steal stuff.
And for people who know that there are real problems like famine, war, terrorist acts, slave-trade and sex trafficking, the disheartening aspect of this politically correct, wimpy culture is that it shows no signs of abating. If you want a sample of your coming world, simply go to YouTube and look up videos from the recent “Democratic Socialist Convention.”** Buckle up; the ride to sanity will be long and rough. If you fear what the future will be, I'm sure there's a safe space for you somewhere, maybe on some university campus, where no one will offend anyone.
* https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/hair-salon-job-posting-happy-hairdresser-discrimanatory
Accessed September 5, 2020.
**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHRxu3XrsHg Accessed September 5, 2020