Ah, Groundhog day—both the actual day and Groundhog Day, the Bill Murray movie. On February 2, 2024, Punxsutawney Phil did NOT see his shadow, his failure foreshadowing an early spring. I’m not quite sure that a rodent with a 137-year record of being accurate in only 39% in its predictions should be trusted as a weather forecaster, but given the 2022-2024 El Niño, his prediction this year might be on the money for people in the Upper Midwest.
Groundhog Day predictions aren’t scientific, but when weather is the object, even the best science fails the accurate predictions test. * We keep trying to predict the weather, however, so much so that an entire weather industry has flourished.
Groundhog Day, the Sequel
Are you as excited as I am about 2024 COP 29 scheduled for November, 2024? It seems we just finished 28, and all the world’s a-buzz over the progress toward solving humanity’s existential problem, you know, that climate change threat. Twenty eight conferences and counting… **
November’s meeting will be held in Baku, Abseron, Azerbaijan, strangely in a country whose economy rests largely on petroleum production. Bet the Azerbaijanis can’t wait for Al Gore and John Kerry to fly into Baku to advocate for capping the wells.
COP30 will be held in 2025; COP31, in 2026; COP32, in 2027; COP33, in 2028; COP34, in 2029; COP35…IT’S GROUNDHOG DAY, THE MOVIE! More sequels than the James Bond series! Your descendants will attend COP1,000; Their descendants will attend COP10,000…Every generation henceforth will awaken to Groundhog Day. ***
Oh! But They’re Doing This for All of Us
Here’s a goal from COP28 that the illustrious COP experts want to accomplish: “Support grid infrastructure resilience by reducing electricity consumption for cooling by approximately 30% (1900 TWh per year) by 2030.” **** People of Phoenix, rejoice! You will get to live as the Pueblo lived hundreds of years ago. Build your rock shelters now because your homes six years from now will have little or no air conditioning.
Less Accurate than Phil
Punxsutawney Phil has an accuracy rate of 39%. What’s Al Gore’s accuracy rate?
ClimateS—and the plural is significant—have always changed: Thus, wherever you live today was different just 12,000 years ago. The seas, about 100 meters lower at that time, have been rising since that last “low stand,” rather rapidly at first for six millennia and rather slowly since then. That’s the opposite trend from climate alarmism, which is reaching warp speed.
Let’s ask what Phil’s prediction for an early spring might mean. What’s the down side? Let's ask what reaching COP28's goals might mean. What's the upside? We know we might spend trillions of dollars on climate alarmism with very little effect on global atmospheric vicissitudes while reducing the quality of life for billions of people and prohibiting billions more from achieving a better quality of life.
****2030 Climate Solutions: Implementation Roadmap. Online at https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/Summary_GCA_COP28.pdf