Isn’t the impartial pursuit of justice a process that serves the interest of all Americans? Aren’t there Catholic Democrats, for instance? Oh! Yeah, Joe is one. I’ll bet there are others. Isn’t any Democrat offended by the FBI’s needless call for spying on Catholics in churches and parents at school board meetings? Gotta bet that some Catholic Democrats are also parents with kids in schools. Isn’t any Democrat concerned that the FBI participated in an actual coup, a coup planned and executed under the name “Russian Collusion” at the insistence of and with the cooperation of the Democratic Party under the guidance of Hillary Clinton? Are there no Catholic Democrats? No Democrat parents? Surely, there must be some Democrat parents other than “the big guy.”
During the May 18 hearing, Democratic Congresswoman Sanchez, hoping to spring a “gotcha” on one of the whistleblowers ascribed a statement on a Twitter account to one of the whistleblowers who declared that neither the statement nor the account was his. Nevertheless, having proved herself to be both a fool and a tool of the party and even after the whistleblower declared that the account and the statement were not his, she continued to press on the matter. To what purpose? Didn't she want to know whether a government agency had abused its power? Was a statement made by someone other than the whistleblower germane to the hearing? Sorry, but this is more than embarrassing. This is an affront to the integrity of the whistleblowers, the integrity of the government, and the integrity of all Americans. Why should a Congresswoman not want to know about possible corruption in an agency? Whose purpose does her goofball question about the Twitter account serve? We’ve been reduced on the international stage to a performance of melodramatic clowns afraid either to admit truths or determined to stuff them in oversized shoes they are not fit to wear.
Regardless of the Democrat Party’s obedient minions in Congress who tried to discredit the whistleblowers, the truth seems to be, especially after the Durham report, that the FBI has perpetrated a lie and has conducted illegal operations on citizens. Maybe the agency should change its designation to FIB, not an acronym and not initials, but an actual name because fibbing is apparently its modus operandi.
All of us have short memories when government scandals are the issues. By the next election, few Americans will probably remember the actions of FIB in the last election and will pull the lever as they have always pulled, voting along party lines. No one is talking about Operation Fast and Furious, the gunwalking operation during which the Obama Adminstration that put guns in the desert for Cartels to find and use against Mexicans and Brian Terry, the border agent slain by one of those cartel members using one of those guns. No one is talking about Benghazi or smashed Blackberries that belonged to Hillary Clinton. Ancient history? Think about Nicaragua and Iran- Contra. Even more ancient? How deep do our memories go? It’s short term at best. Does any Democrat remember the Afghanistan debacle and the gift of weapons to the Taliban? Not many Americans are talking about Afghanistan today. And probably no one in a couple of years will talk about the violations of law by a Justice Department’s agency, the FBI turned FIB. About the only government scandal that just about everyone has remembered or heard about was the Watergate episode aimed to get Democrat election strategy. How does that compare to FIB’s trying to overturn an actual election with the compliance of congressmen who ignored it, overlooked it, or facilitated it (Think Adam Schiff).
In a government of enormous size and reach, there are just too many scandals to track. Would any of us have known about the $800,000 party in Las Vegas thrown by the General Services Administrators in 2010 if the Washington Post had not uncovered the details? And those many scandals cross agencies and congressional members under all administrations. * Some of the scandals affect only a few Americans; others, millions. Some derive from personal debauchery and self-aggrandizement. Others derive from sinister abuses of constitutional rights. The current scandal in the FIB falls in this latter category. It is an agency now apparently given to abusing the rights of those with whom the agency members personally disagree or dislike: Republicans, Catholics, parents. To abuse those rights it has adopted fibbing on the grandest scale.
FBI? I think not anymore. FIB is more like it.
* For examples see and Google List of federal political scandals in the United States . You might be shocked to see how many scandals run through American history, but then, maybe you won’t be shocked.