Thus runs Hamlet’s eulogy upon the skull of court jester Yorick uncovered by the gravedigger. With apologies to the Bard, here’s my version.
“Alas, poor New York! I knew the place, Horatio; a place of infinite entertainment and possibility; it hath borne me in its taxis and subway trains many times; and now how abhorred my imagination is! For I will not go back to a place bereft of freedom and merriment, a place of a justice system more corrupt than Yorick’s rotted corpse, a place that is a mere skeleton of its former greatness.”
The Trump Verdict
While the Left gloats over the results of the Trump trial and the Right ponders how America got to this state of domestic turmoil and, more significantly, how to mitigate it, the untended problems of the country continue: Fentanyl deaths numbering in the tens of thousands, illegal immigration, increased year-over-year inflation, creeping socialism with its inevitable stifling of both the economy and individual freedom, increased energy prices and regulations, a Federal bureaucracy acting as de facto legislators, mandates for auto manufacturers to make cars few people want, social justice warriors (DEI), Democratic Party operatives in the state and federal bureaucracies, and a two-tiered justice system that sends FBI and ATF agents in full SWAT gear during nighttime raids to homes of Americans like pro-lifer Mark Houck * and gun-dealer/airport manager Bryan Malinowski (whom they killed).
But the Left, the architects of the “Russian Collusion Hoax,” the “Hunter Biden Laptop Misinformation Claim,” and expenditures of citizens’ resources on illegal immigrants’ free money (debit cards), free transportation, free housing, free food, free education, and free health care, seem oblivious to the consequences of their policies. Because the mainstream press is dominated by either shortsighted or complicit reporters, there’s only the smallest chance that anyone will be held responsible for those policies.
Equal Outcomes?
So, the Left will gloat over the Trump verdict until they are personally affected by the world they have invented for everyone else, a world in which innocents suffer and die through the actions of illegal aliens. Never mind. “We got him!” they’ll say, as they try him on salacious details from years ago, all the while ignoring Ashley Biden’s showering with her dad as recorded in her diary. Ah! What’s a little incestuous activity in the life of a Democratic politician? Didn’t the Democrats say “It’s just sex” after Clinton’s Oval Office fellatio escapades with an intern?
Where’s that equity of outcomes the Left keeps promulgating?
- See online accounts: Mark Houck's Family, Children Relive Harrowing FBI…; Acquitted pro-life activist Mark Houck reveals details of ' …; and other reports. Malinowski’s death, wholly avoidable, was the subject of a congressional hearing with the ATF director. And did you know that in its raid on Trump’s home, the FBI was authorized to use deadly force?
Really! Were FBI agents prepared to shoot Secret Service agents, Melania, or Barron to satisfy the desires of librarians (the archivists)?