You have climbed and sat on many walls of expectation and, no doubt, from your perspective have fallen probably more than a few times. But look at the difference between you and Humpty. You’re patchable. Fixable. You’re a living example of reversing entropy.
For a brittle egg once broken there’s no reliving the past, no reordering of parts into an original whole. Like the egg, you can’t relive the past, but unlike any Humpty, you aren’t brittle—unless you want to be. That you have a flexible skin is your advantage. That you have a flexible character is your greatest advantage when you hit the ground.
You—like every human—have fallen. At times, you have fallen short of expectations. But expectations are like breakfast appetites: There’s always another one. A new day provides a new egg to eat. As long as you live you will be able to reorder, to patch. Some falls might leave a permanent mark, but no fall leads to an un-mendable break—unless you let it.
Regretting one of those “falls” in your life? You're alive because you can bend without breaking. Mend where you bend.