Now consider how little any individual knows about what goes on in a complex world with 7 + billion people, competing entities of all sorts, and governments with opposing agendas. Knowledge is power, we often hear. Fake knowledge appears to be just as powerful. But the latter isn’t new. People have been spreading rumors since they gathered as extended units of families and neighbors. False information is a proven method of controlling crowdthink. ****
Obviously, fake information can be dangerous. The “witch trials” in 1692 Salem, Massachusetts, make the point. But innocent people have always suffered from malicious fake stories. And populations have been manipulated by them, even highly educated populations. Take the story of Japanese medical researcher Yoshihiro Sato, a guy who published numerous—over 200—papers on bone research that led others to further research involving thousands of patients. He fabricated data for clinical trials published in international journals. ***** It took Alison Avenell thousands of hours to uncover the extent of the fake medical news that had impacted so many.
That people have maliciously made up stories about other humans is part of human history, but the phenomenon has always been within the realm of our experience and understanding. Now, however, we have to consider that such stories might be the product of Artificial Intelligence. In our ingenuity, we have created another layer of falsehood that will inevitably have dire consequences for someone or some group. Is it time for us to become skeptical about all news? If so, have we come to the point of no return on trustworthiness?
I’m giving Ringo Starr last word on this, “I don’t ask for much; I only want your trust/And you know it don’t come easy.” ******
*Staff report. Tech Xplore. September 2, 2019.
**Cohen, Nancy. Tech Xplore. August 31, 2019.
***Abdollah, Tami. Tech Xplore. August 31, 2019.
**** Americans were opposed to entering WWII in Europe, for example, but were persuaded to change their minds through the efforts of Canadian William Stephenson and other spies. Stephenson was Fleming’s model for James Bond. Think also of the “Russian collusion” stories that the Mueller Report debunked. Half of America bought into the fake story, and some, regardless of the Mueller Report, still believe it.
*****Kuperschmidt, Kai. Researcher at the center of an epic fraud remains an enigma to those who exposed him. Science. August 17, 2018. This extensive article is like a mystery story as it details how Sato’s fake stories were uncovered.
******Starr, Ringo and George Harrison. 1971. “It Don’t Come Easy.” Starr released a “single” of the song after the Beatles disbanded.