“You should watch … [name of show] on Netflix. We’ve been binge-watching. You’ll love the characters. Great show.”
#Or this?
“Ladies and gentlemen,” a celebrity announces,
“Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama (standing ovation) and the current President Joe Biden.” [cue the music, drop the confetti]
That’s the scenario for a NY fundraiser for Joe Biden on March 28 in the heart of the city.
Flashback to the Fifties
‘More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.” * That’s a statement typical of cigarette commercials in the 1959s and 1960s. Appeals to authority—like the medical community— and to celebrity are still in play today. Obviously, advertisers believe such tactics work.
Do you find yourself persuaded by appeals to authority and celebrity?
Obviously, politicians also believe the tactics work, thus the Clinton-Obama-celebrity endorsement of Joe Biden in NY. Is it a homily to the choir? Who in attendance will favor another candidate? Who in attendance needs to be persuaded?
Dead Doctors
How many Camel-smoking doctors died from lung cancer or smoking-related ailments? Now, there’s an example of “ostensible” expertise. Which celeb-expert has been affected personally—like the dead doctors and millions of cigarette-smokers—by the rampant illegal immigration caused by Biden? Which of the wealthy willing to pay $100,000 for a selfie with the three presidents have been affected by Biden’s inflation?
Of course, it's easy to simplify. The commercials for cigarettes in the 1950s fell on the ears and eyes of people probably already addicted to cigarettes. It is difficult to know whether or not the endorsement of Camel cigarettes by doctors had any influence on non-smokers.
How many will vote for a politician because of endorsements? How many will vote because they rationally evaluated policies?
I suppose that in an age of influencers endorsements might be effective, but…
Let's return to that original question: How do you respond to an endorsement of a TV series? Let's broaden the question: How do you respond to endorsements of any kind?
Your response indicates the level of your independence and the extent of your rationality.
*See YouTube for the video of this specific endorsement of Camels and for other 1950’s cigarette commercials with celebs.