Catching up: In case you’ve missed seeing all the people running around in masks or the incessant reporting on daily “cases” and deaths, I feel obligated to tell you there’s a pandemic. If you are tuned into American news stations and are aware of the disease and its effects, you are also aware that scapegoating has run rampant through much of the population. “It’s his fault.” And if you have listened to any of the political rhetoric, you know that ideologies have entered into the search for a cure and a prophylaxis.
You might also be aware of the late December, 2020, and early January, 2021, pronouncements by some medical researchers that COVID-19 isn’t the viral juggernaut it is purported to be. There are both preventative measures and cures. There are millions of survivors, also, many of them having weathered the disease with nary an indication of its presence, those people we term asymptomatic. So, is there concern? Sure. But has there been some dissembling generated by politics? Definitely. And that dissembling costs lives.
Now, the question for those of us who are not medical researchers and frontline medical workers is this: “Whom do we believe?” It’s an important question. Millions of people have lost their livelihoods under imposed shutdowns. Some have even been arrested and fined by a government-run-wild agencies just because they chose to open their businesses. Social media are on fire with condemnations. Major media outlets have even dismissed legitimate scientific studies as the work of snake oil merchants. And now we have reached the culmination of such thoughtless dismissals in the rejection for political reasons of 21 studies that show Ivermectin to be both a prophylaxis and a cure.
Fortunately, Operation Warp Speed has led to the fastest vaccine development in medical history. That’s great news. But is a vaccine the only solution to the pandemic? Aren’t there potentially repurposed medicines that can ward of the effects of the disease? We can all recall the fuss over Hydroxychloriquine. Whether or not that drug has some benefits is probably still an unresolved question since actual clinical trials are few in number and limited in scope. Maybe it has no effect on COVID. That’s certainly possible. It’s been used for decades without our hearing about its side effects, but because of politics, we now know that it can engender crazy dreams, and that in dosages beyond the recommended amount, it has no effect on COVID. But what of Ivermectin, a Nobel Prize winning medicine that has been used throughout Africa for decades? Could it be repurposed? And if it could be thus used and demonstrated to be effective, could it enter the medical world without condemnation by an agenda-driven Press and political fanatics?
On December 8, 2020, before the Homeland Security Committee Meeting: Focus on Early Treatment of COVID-19, a doctor representing a group of medical researchers has confirmed evidence found in multiple studies that Ivermectin not only alleviates the suffering of COVID-19 victims, but it also hastens their recovery. And there’s more: Ivermectin apparently protects its uninfected recipients from contracting the disease. The researchers are confident in their findings, and their representative, Dr. Pierre Kory, speaking before the US Senate, said,
“And so, it is with great pride as well as significant optimism, that I am here to report that our group, led by Professor Paul E. Marik, has developed a highly effective protocol for preventing and early treatment of COVID-19. In the last 3-4 months, emerging publications provide conclusive [italics mine] data on the profound efficacy of the anti-parasite, anti-viral drug, antinflammatory agent called Ivermectin in all stages of the disease. Our protocol was created only recently, after we identified these data. Nearly all studies are demonstrating the therapeutic potency and safety of Ivermectin in preventing transmission and progression of illness in nearly all who take the drug.”*
Where does that political ideology stuff I mentioned up top come in to play here? Dr. Kory says, “We have not heard from: Any national news radio, newspaper, or television station; [or] any single member of any U.S. health care agency.” Kory also notes that only a very few, if any, of the people in charge of decisions regarding medical protocols for COVID-19 treatments, have actual experience with treating patients with the disease. His testimony also lists 21 clinical trials that have reported 100% positive results from Ivermectin use. GET THAT? ONE HUNDRED PERCENT! Those were 21 trials conducted prior to November, 2020. Others are in process and show the same encouraging results.
Dr. Kory’s testimony reveals that Ivermectin demonstrably “inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication, has potent anti-inflammatory properties…demonstrating profound inhibition of both cytokine production and transcription of nuclear factor-kB, diminishes viral load and protects against organ damage, and prevents transmission and development of COVID-19 disease in those exposed to infected patients.” I suppose most importantly, IVERMECTIN REDUCES FATALITIES in critically ill patients who have COVID-19.
Dr. Kory and his group of highly experienced researchers and frontline doctors have heard NOTHING FROM THE HEALTH CARE AGENCIES IN THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNMENTS ON THOSE 21 STUDIES OR ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS EFFECTIVE PROTOCOL. And as might be expected in these times of agenda-driven news, they’ve not been contacted by the major news outlets? What’s going on? A demonstrably effective medicine and yet no one’s interested!
But wait! I’m wrong. The New York Times called the Homeland Security Committee’s meeting on prophylaxis a product of “snake oil salesmen.” Why? The Committee’s hearing was a search for knowledge, a search for medical evidence, a search for a mechanism that might stop the pandemic.
What was the point? Was ideology so important to a major news outlet that its editors were willing to prevent the dissemination of knowledge about a definitively effective prophylaxis? Was ideology more important than lives? Apparently.
Ivermectin has been used safely for many years. Its use is widespread throughout Africa. Or, at least, its use was widespread. But, of course, if Ivermectin can do what 21 studies say it can do, what happens to the billions spent on vaccines? What happens to the investments of Big Pharma and government officials invested in their bureaucratic authority? Are those who will die when Ivermectin might have saved them the victims of ideology and possibly lobbying efforts by companies? Two quick notes: On the African continent Uganda is initiating an Ivermectin protocol, but South Africa, a country whose population has benefitted from the use of Ivermectin for years, has now banned the drug under penalty of law. If you import Ivermectin into South Africa, you will be prosecuted. To what end? For what purpose? Isn’t the medicine still effective against parasitic diseases that have ravaged the poor in that country? Again, I ask, “What’s going on here?”
Remember hydroxychloroquine? Maybe it was not the repurposed drug people had hoped it would be. But Ivermectin has been shown to be effective in 21 clinical trials. Remember; it was one hundred percent effective in those trials. I’m not sure how sure one needs to be assured beyond, “Hey, it’s one hundred percent effective.” That miraculous vaccine hits only 95%. If I were a betting man…
Is it just me? Or are you concerned that some of those with power over us are willing to forego preventions and cures because of their ideologies? Are they choosing death for political or financial reasons? Are they killing by omission? Their silence is deafening. Their fanatical commitment to their ideology is even louder.
* Accessed January 5, 2021. The full statement is available online.