That elegies are never fine
And speaking wistful banal truth
About a girl now lost in youth
Cannot undo what has transpired?
Like all before, she has expired.
His lines about a young girl’s death
Did caution us: No wasted breath
Expressing sorrow clothed in black!
Such words will never bring her back.
An unintended fire the cause
That took her life, made London pause
To mourn her passing by the Thames
With prayer and subsequent “Amens.”
She joined all those who died before
Through human history on every shore.
Dylan writes all death’s the same,
But I would argue when there’s blame.
An accidental fire’s misfortune;
Intended death's a conscious option.
And while it’s true what Dylan said
“We’re all related to the dead”
Going back to Abel and his brother,
Beyond that death, there is no other,
We cannot keep the tears at bay
When life is taken in that way.
And so in modern times we mourn
The tragic death of Rachel Morin, **
Killed by a heartless evil alien
Let in the country by Joe Biden.
Ascribe to him complicit blame,
His policies, a nation’s shame.
No elegy for that young woman,
Just anger toward the POTUS and his yeoman
Mayorkas who allowed him in
To maim and kill with mal intent
Acts a wall could prevent.
*”A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London,” Online at : Thomas’ famous line is that “After the first death, there is no other,” but his argument against mourning precedes that line.
** › illegal-immigrant-suspected-rachel-morin-murder-entered-us-gotaway-after-being-released-3-times-ice