The Euclidean assumption is that two lines emanating from a common line and both lying perpendicular to that common line (I.e., at right angles) will continue forever without touching, basically railroad tracks running into infinity, or, at least to Betelgeuse. Yeah, like railroad tracks, there’s a fundamental necessity that the lines can neither cross nor diverge.
Well, Kamala Harris wants you to forget the postulate. She wants you to believe that the lines don’t run parallel, but do (or will) diverge and converge.
Yes, Harris wants you to believe that in her presidency, she will take a path that diverges from Biden-Harris policies of the past four years, such as open border, fecklessness in the face of Iran, Russia, and China, and over-regulation and mandates killing the energy sector. In Harris’s universe, political geometry is more Riemannian than Euclidean.
She wants you to accept the postulate that her future administration will diverge from her past administration. At the same time, on issues like the open border, she wants you to assume that she can solve the very problem she created by converging on the Trump border policy—and even of late on the Trump policy of eliminating tax on tips.
One of the reasons that Euclid’s geometry has worked for two millennia is that his underlying assumptions are difficult, if not impossible, to disprove. And that troublesome “parallel lines postulate” is toughest of all.
Want a postulate that seems unshakeable? A Harris Administration will parallel a Biden-Harris Administration. It won’t diverge from its past.
Unfortunately, there are many Americans who either failed geometry class or failed to learn the practical application of its lessons and way of thinking. True, all thinking starts with the unprovable, with some axiom. Logic doesn’t ultimately rest on logic, but we humans have to start our thinking somewhere, and that somewhere is an axiom.
AXIOM: A Harris future will parallel a Harris past.