Revolutions Fast, Slow, Lingering
Because our brains have a tendency to compress past events, most revolutions seem to have developed quickly; and whereas that’s true (relatively) for some coups, many revolutions are turtle slow. Think of revolution in art, for example. Expressionism seen from today’s perspective appears to have sprung up overnight. But between Edvard Munch (The Scream, 1893) and Paul Klee (Castle and Sun, 1928) 32 years of revolution occurred with lingering influences nearly a century later. Just go to a modern art gallery or even into a high school art class to see its lingering effect. Better yet, go into some wellness center where people paint their feelings. Or think of the philosophical revolution that bred existentialism; seemingly born from the writings of Søren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche, it gradually matured in the twentieth century as it spread into literature, psychology, and film. Chances are good that you are in part an existentialist and that you know someone with “existential” anxiety over matters like climate change, potential pandemics, cancer, and nuclear war.
Sociopolitical Revolutions
Our biological reproduction is often mirrored in political reproduction. One generation of conservatives or liberals largely finds its political leanings carried on by the ensuing generations, ensuring sociopolitical stability. A red-and-blue election map of states reveals the areas where this stability has endured through at least a few generations, with markedly blue areas along the western and northeast coasts. Change in blue or in predominantly red states is slow, but there are the rebellious children who break from tradition to forge in their inexperienced minds a “new” world. The rebellious children then engender an oppositional tendency in offspring with the potential to overthrow the political affinities of grandparents, great grandparents, etc. Immediately, this pattern begs the question of whether or not the recent electoral shift from blue to red in the upper Midwest foreshadows a longterm political change. In retrospect, we will know.
Sociopolitical revolutions have occurred both rapidly (through violence) and slowly (with demographic changes). Stable political control can endure many vicissitudes in an overall national society, but local changes precipitate the rise of opposition in a particular city, state, or region. Go to Montpelier, Vermont, today, engage in a coffee shop discussion with a local politician or resident, and ask yourself if you are really in Vermont or have somehow been transported into Eugene, Oregon. Vermont was a Republican stronghold from 1853 to 1958. In the middle of the last century, the population grew rapidly as outsiders moved into the state. By 1970 those immigrants made up one-fourth of the Green State’s population, many of the new residents Left-leaning New York ex patriots. The influx of outsiders and their offspring subtly changed the politics until the Supreme Court ordered a redistricting that favored Democrats that culminated in Bernie Sanders, the self-proclaimed Democratic-Socialist.
Numerous states’ and cities’ political trajectories also mimic demographic changes fast and slow. Baltimore and Chicago come to mind. Baltimore has not had a republican on its council since 1939. Electing one would be revolutionary. Chicago has no republicans among its alderpersons and hasn’t had a republican mayor since 1931. With regard to the megalopolis from of Baltimore to Alexandria, one could reasonably guess that such an area became increasingly more Democratic because of government expansion, the many resident federal employees favoring Big Government Democrats who will preserve their lucrative jobs with almost unbridled spending that maintains agencies.
We of the Radio- and TV-homogenized Generations
Although regional differences do exist in the United State, allowing one to identify “a Southerner,” “Midwesterner,” or New Englander,” most Americans share a rather homogenized culture probably because of the ubiquity of first radio, then television, and now social media. You and I have no difficulty finding entertainment and news stories meaningful across the spectrum of American cultures and subcultures. We Americans get one another because of this homogenization, and proof of this lies in unified nationwide responses to extreme events like the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the Twin Towers.
In a largely homogenized country like the United States, political power is difficult to change because the majority holds nearly similar values. Political inertia fostered by this homogenization is difficult to overcome without a revolutionary philosophical or demographic change. Also, a democratic republic, especially one incarnate in and across a big government, resists rapid change. America’s political power is spread out, so to speak, in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government that are all backed by a strong military and police force dedicated to preserving the nation and its many political local entities from enemies both foreign and domestic. Thus, a revolution akin to the French, Russian, and Chinese revolutions is extremely difficult if not impossible in the United States. I don’t know about you, but I had difficulty believing that the January 6 riot at the Capitol was a "revolution” akin to storming the Bastille.
Here’s a simplification: The smaller the number of people in control of state power, the quicker and more dramatic the initial revolutionary movement. The overthrow of tzars (Caesars) and kings stand as evidence best exemplified in the famous “Et tu, Brute” assassination of Julius Caesar and the assassinations of other Roman emperors. The American, French, Chinese, and Russian revolutions burst the confining walls of political control in relatively short times punctuated from our perspective by their initial years: 1776, 1789, 1911,1917. Those revolutions did, of course undergo a decade or more of evolution till a new “stability” was reached (with a second revolution by USSR satellite countries in 1989, this more recent revolution being remarkable because of the tight controls of a police state).
In contrast to the assassinations of kings like Charles I of England and Louis XVI of France, the assassinations of American presidents in no way engendered revolutions like those elsewhere. The American government and the society it oversees continued without teetering on collapse.
Those (In)famous Historical Revolutions
I hesitate to rely on a lengthy recap by an expert on revolutions, but here’s summary by Theda Skocpol:
“Prerevolutionary France, Russia, and China all had well-established imperial states with proven capacities to protect their own hegemony and that of the dominant classes against revolts from below. Before social revolutions could occur, the administrative and military power of these states had to break down” (285). * Skocpol then writes that “it was not because of deliberate activities to break down” the military structure by revolutionaries, but rather because of “cross-pressures between intensified military competition or intrusions from abroad and constraints imposed on monarchical responses by the existing agrarian class structures and political institutions.” Basically, the old regimes could not meet military and other international exigencies…"Once the old-regime states had broken apart, fundamental political and class conflicts were set in motion, not to be resolved until new administrative and military organizations were consolidated in the place of the old.” This set the context for peasant and working class inclusion in the newly formed autonomous states.
Overthrowing the Deep State
Many, if not all, states are layered entities, a surface government of known officials and a deep state government comprised of a myriad of agents who can manipulate in anonymity. It is one thing to overthrow the known officials and quite another to overthrow the unknown government agents that use the government to further an agenda and control state power over citizens. These anonymous operatives hide in big government agencies.
Right now, the Democrats and their friends in the Press are expressing concerns over the “Trump revolution.” The newly elected President says he wants to clean up the political activists who have weaponized the government, and that means a loss of power among Democrats who know they have had the support of both the Press and the deep state.
Are we in the midst of a revolution against the American deep state? If it is a matter of those anonymous agents, the current President with the help of a new cabinet, seems to favor overturning much of the power the previous administration vested in both the surface and deep state, the latter peopled by FBI agents like Peter Strzok and Lisa Page whose anonymity was erased by the release of their anti-Trump emails. **
Of course, there are those whose interrupted agendas will motivate them to do what they can to salvage their power, that is, the power they have increased under the previous three administrations as the government grew steadily into a cadre of 2.1 million employees drunk on agendas fueled by regulations become de facto laws. Or think of the power vested in the Justice Department that allowed the surveillance of 200,000+ Americans, many supposedly for frivolous reasons or that fostered spying on Catholics, called parents who attended school board meetings “domestic terrorists,” or sent fully armed agents to arrest a Pro-Lifer and jailed a grandmother for praying outside an abortion clinic. ***
The Power of the Press in Revolutions
A complicit Press through propaganda helped USSR’s (and now Russia’s) dictators maintain power. If political leaders weaponize the media and agencies on their behalf, they win the battle for the majority of minds because, as Isa Blagden wrote, “If a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief.” **** Haven’t we seen enough of that over the last eight years of Russian Collusion, Laptop lies supported by 51 intelligence agents and shackled social media outlets, and Wokism gone wild? The lies spread by a “deep state” and people like Adam Schiff were sufficient enough to get a president impeached. Similarly, a Press in the back pocket of the Democratic Party kept many Americans from seeing the mental decline of Joe Biden, or from responding with outrage at the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal.
Baby Steps on the Road to True Revolution
A successful revolution is often as much the product of the Press as it is the work of revolutionaries. As a consequence, an entrenched government is more difficult to oust when the Press supports it. It seems to me surprising, therefore, that Trump without Press support won the election and that Biden and Harris, propped up by the Press, lost the election. The 2025 American regime change appears to have occurred in spite of media support or lack thereof.
Even in the context of Trump’s victory, the media cannot relinquish their ties to the Democrats in this second week of the Trump presidency. One reporter at the first Press Room meeting with Karoline Leavitt mimicked Elizabeth Warren’s hypocritical cry, “Why haven’t the prices come down?” with “Why haven’t egg prices come down?” Somehow prices were not on the minds of Democrats and the media during the past four years, even when Bidenomics skyrocketed inflation to 9% and egg prices rose for a couple of reasons last year, one being the cost of fuel and the other being the culling of millions of sick chickens. Eggs. Yes, the new talking point for liberal media pundits and hypocritical politicians is the price of eggs. The question about egg prices reminds me of that which the Democrats and the Press asked a week or two after Bush initiated the 2007 “surge of troops”: “Why isn’t the war over yet?” Democrats and the liberal pundits asked. Can anyone remember reporters asking Biden during the nine percent inflation period when prices would come down?
Priorities Will Out
I don’t think the public is as prone to accept the media’s and politicians’ concerns as they were during the last 30 years because those concerns seem to be 1) purely politically motivated and 2) frivolously detached from reality (especially the reality of everyday life in the context of bad policies that emptied a California reservoir and hydrants, opened sanctuary cities to illegal immigrants, including criminals, and made diesel and gas more expensive). The priorities of daily life take precedence over the pundits’ narratives. Those priorities seem to have driven voters to reelect Trump and oust Democrats.
The Revolution: Alternative News Sources
The proliferation of YouTube videos and a gajillion podcasts, X posts, TikTok, and other social media that can expose hypocrites, liars, and their lies has had more than a little effect on the dissemination of information. Plus, the reality of ever tightening government controls with detrimental influence on freedoms and personal finances has awakened people to the evils of Big Government in the hands of little minds. The current shakeup in liberal media circles seems to reflect a public grown tired of the staid narratives that 1) conservative policies are inhumane, racist, and misogynist and that 2) liberal policies that drain the country’s treasure for nonessential pie-in-the-sky ideals, such as special interest groups’ social engineering projects, are supposedly good.
Maybe we really are in the midst of a revolution.
Liberal Media and Politicians Temporarily Lost in a Limbo of Their Own Making
Struggling with the loss by their favored party, many media outlets just can’t let go of their ties to the liberal narratives, as a recent cover of New York Magazine demonstrates: A cropped photo shows only white party attendees at an affair hosted by African-American CJ Pearson and attended by numerous other Black American Trump supporters. ***** The cover and its implication that MAGA is exclusively white reminds me of liberal Keith Olbermann’s decrying the “whiteness” of a Republican administration and then posing with his all-white production support staff. NY Magazine’s editorial staff, by the way, is dominated by white people. That kind of blatant hypocrisy convinces me that that the media are either pawns or corrupt.
Selena Gomez Sees the Removal of Criminal Aliens as Heartless but Does Not See the Heartless Rapes and Murders of American Citizens by Illegal Criminal Aliens
All revolutions involve perceptions. The dominant perception of those on the Left during the past half century or so seems to be that conservatives are ruthless and heartless exploiters only bent on enriching themselves. And taking their cue from Isa Blagden (see above), Liberals have repeated the charge of ruthlessness against conservatives enough that it has become belief embedded in the minds of Hollywood elites and Leftist pundits. Ironically, this perception has been forwarded to millions in the working class by some very wealthy people.
Overturning any belief is the toughest revolution to make, but it is the first step toward a true intellectual revolution. Enter Selena Gomez…
There’s the widely broadcast tearful Selena Gomez worrying about “her people” as the roundups of illegal criminal aliens begin. But are the roundups perceived the same way by others outside Hollywood and the liberal media? According to an article in the NY Post, “NYC minority communities cheer ICE raids that rounded up violent criminal migrants: ‘Get them the hell off the street!’” **** Does this mean that Hollywood elites and the liberal Press can’t shape the minds of the masses? Have the people revolted against the Hollywood elites? Do the people actually being affected by the crush of illegal immigrants and the additional crime in their neighborhoods think differently from the Selena Gomezes not affected by tax revenues going into free housing and other benefits for illegal aliens while citizens are denied services? Will the Selena Gomezes understand the pain of mothers, husbands, and children whose loved ones were raped and murdered by illegal criminal aliens?
When she and her ilk do understand why the Trump administration has expedited the removal of criminal aliens, a revolution will have occurred.
One Revolution That Could Save Billions of Bucks: Overthrow the Green New Deal
Then there’s climate change. Blamed for everything from hurricanes, to atmospheric rivers to ice melt and cold snaps, it’s been a moneymaker for academics, Al Gore, green energy companies, and other people and entities. Bernie Sanders stated in RFK’s confirmation hearing that he’s a firm believer in climate change as an existential threat. The revolution here is just beginning as people realize how much money governments are throwing at the supposed problem without any guarantees that they can affect world climate and literally without any quantification of the cost effectiveness of money thrown at the assumed problem. The revolution has received an impetus from Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement—which was not really an agreement as one can see by reading through the documents. Again the Blagden principle plays a role here. For three decades people have been told that global warming/climate change was an existential threat. Biden believes it; Sanders believes it; Ocasio-Cortez believes it; Thunberg believes it with her whole heart and soul. The belief has manifested itself in extraordinary expenditures, mandates, and restrictions, all of which are destined to harm national and personal economies without a tangible return.
If We Are in the Midst of a Revolution…
Will Trump’s administration through actions by the cabinet and DOGE be able to revolutionize the government? Here’s the ignorance with which I began this piece coming to the fore, and here’s where I end by confessing that from within this galaxy of many parts, I really can’t see the end or know the exact shape. The current revolution—if we are really in the midst of one—is as complicated as a galaxy. Every government agency should be closely examined to see to what extent it fulfills or does not fulfill its legal purpose.
I favor completely revolutionizing the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency. The former oversees an educational system in which students by too high a percentage fail to reach minimum standards in math and reading. Students in American public schools generally also lag behind their contemporaries in other countries in science, history, and geography (human and physical). With regard to the USEPA, I favor a complete examination of current restrictions and policies, such as classifying carbon dioxide as a pollutant, especially since the EPA looks at radiative forcing instead of energy influx and ignores contrarian evidence that carbon dioxide, whose increase seems to be undeniably linked to anthropogenic emissions, has no provable link to many historical episodes of atmospheric warming. In addition, the EPA seems to have overstepped its mission in micromanaging water resources, as it did in imposing more than $20 million in fines on a Wyoming family for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act when they built a stock pond. *******
Well, there you have it, long and winded. If you reread my first sentence, you’ll understand why I hesitated to write about a subject too complex for my intellectual ability and knowledge. You might, however, as I ask you to do in all my blogs, take the whole of this or any part and use it as a point of departure for your own thoughts.
*Skopol, Theda. 1979. States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China. Cambridge University Press.
**Ah! Justice. Poor Strzok and Page split about two million from the government for outing them. Lesson: You can pretty much abuse your government power without negative consequence; in fact, you might end up with a monetary reward.
*** ; AND “Pro-Life Activist Arrested After SWAT Team Raids Home with Guns Drawn in Front of ‘Screaming’ Children at AND “Judge Sentences 75-Year-Old Woman for Praying at Abortion Clinic, Taunts Horrified Husband for Christian Faith: Report”
****Isabella (Isa) Blagden. 1869. The Crown of a Life, Vol. III, London. Hurst and Blackett, p. 155. The quotation is often attributed to Lenin, Goebbels, and Hitler.
****** (Admittedly, this is largely an anecdotal report, but there appears to be a consensus over the deportation of criminals)