Maybe we are quantum-like. At the quantum level, energy that goes into a system doesn’t come out as it went in. Planck discovered the rule. Energy equals frequency times a very small constant, one with a bunch of zeroes on the right hand side of the decimal point. High energy in doesn’t necessarily mean high energy immediately out. High frequency blue light in can mean low frequency red light out. Thus, the sun shines on our planet and the ground reradiates in infrared; shorter, more energetic ultraviolet wavelengths arriving at the surface become longer less energetic wavelengths we call heat. (Our atmosphere, as a consequence, is heated mostly from below)
So, people around you exude a certain amount of psychic energy, call it some emotional discharge like a solar flare. The flares vary in intensity. They vary in energy, but they strike you nonetheless. Now what? After absorbing that energy, do you, like things in the quantum world, return the energy in a lower frequency and at unexpected times? Or, do you mirror the frequency of incoming emotional energy?
If you pluck a guitar string, it vibrates immediately in an expected frequency, giving the pitch you want. Imagine now plucking a guitar string, seeing no immediate vibration and hearing no sound. Then, a few moments later and when you least expect it, the string vibrates and produces an unexpected sound, a pitch with a lower frequency, basically a lower note. The unexpected lower frequency is what happens when atoms receive energy and produce photons. Do you respond like the quantum world, letting energy bounce around to be absorbed inside only to be released at a lower frequency?
Anger in doesn’t have to be anger out. In the quantum world, frequencies change according to the principle Planck identified; what goes in will eventually emerge, but outgoing frequencies don’t have to match ingoing ones.