Count as something you’ll never see: Agoraphobics intentionally assembling. We can’t blame them. They expect a danger sometimes real and sometimes unreal. They know the feeling of panic. Yet, there’s something in the symptoms of agoraphobia that unifies agoraphobics as a group. Isn’t that interesting? Separate, but together: Belonging to a group while fearing groups.
Choosing to be part of a mob is probably not a good idea. As everyone knows, mobs breed anonymity, and anonymity breeds license; license breeds unrestricted acts, and unrestricted acts breed insult and injury. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone in a mob were agoraphobic? Imagine: People together but acting separately, individuals overly conscious of their setting, aware of their place in place. No mob rule. No mayhem or looting. No loss of property or innocent victims. A mob afraid of itself.