Dismiss the Christmas miracle,
And claim to be empirical.
It’s easy to dismiss belief
That others cling to in their grief
Because they find it brings relief.
It’s easy to dismiss a faith
To claim that it can only scathe
A healthy psyche with a wraith.
It’s easy to explain away
The life within the Milky Way
And label faith “naivete.”
It’s easy to reject the claim
That Satan’s hubris is to blame
For all the human grief and shame.
It’s easier to say the brain
Prefers to know what is arcane.
“The cosmos is legerdemain.”
Some think that every atheist
Could teach old John Evangelist
To be a worldly analyst.
John had no doctoral degree
In physics or biology
His expertise? Theology.
We know he wrote what he had heard
About the Christ he calls the Word.
Was what he wrote by God conferred?
He seems quite sure of what he writes
As though it’s God Himself he cites,
The One who spoke to Israelites.
Would John be able to converse
With Einstein ‘bout the universe?
Recall that Al was very terse.
Could John argue with anyone
About the nature of the Son?
To scientists about the Sun?
Most scientists seem very sure.
They see no need to be demure.
In what they know they are secure.
But what if scientists delude
With info that they misconstrued?
Does science mask incertitude?
And when we ask them what they think,
“The Big Bang happened in a blink,
“And suns made argon and then zinc.”
It seems so easy just to say,
“Creation happened in a day;
“Inflation made what we survey.”
But then they argue who is right:
Eternal Cosmos and branes that fight?
A singularity? Who’s right?
And mysteries yet will abound
Just like the matter all around
They cannot see in vis’ble light…
They say Dark Matter’s everywhere.
Invisible, it has no glare.
Dark Energy is also there!
They can’t see either, but perceive
That neither is a make-believe.
And physicists do not deceive.
“But can they be deceived?” you ask
While citing Morley’s daunting task:
Take that belief and it unmask.
The aether they once said was there
An unseen substance like the air
They now reject and do forswear.
Yet unseen matter makes much sense?
And so they rise to its defense.
“It’s out there and it is immense.”
Pervading all the galaxies
In us and both our families;
“These dark things are not fantasies.”
“Is there a chance that this is faith?”
I asked before if it’s a wraith.
That all we see is just one-eighth?
“Dark things are there,” they do insist.
“But how?” we ask, but are dismissed.
“Just trust us that they coexist.”
“But is there little room for doubt?”
“We’ve looked both here and thereabout.”
“We see the Cosmos fast spread out.”
“Our evidence is indirect;
“The way stars move makes us suspect;
“That doppler shift is one effect.”
Some think neutrinos are the cause.
They can escape just like Danaus;
They move through us and never pause.
But thinking isn’t proving so.
Do Dark neutrinos on the go,
Make galaxies turn fast or slow?
“So, you have never touched or seen
“Dark Energy that lies between
“The galaxies; and yet you’re keen.”
And then there’s all that quantum stuff
The quarks of which you’re sure enough
To speak of them, but faith rebuff.
Are you so sure of what you know
The Vacuum makes a world outflow
Right now and also long ago?
So Something comes from Nothing now
Like milk exuded from gold cow?
“We simply want to know just how.
“But, hey, that is your current thought
“It was a vacuum, not God that wrought
“The world we know: The world from nought.”
The math is there for all to see
But too complex for some and me
The math that uses π and φ.
The Gospel tells a different tale
The son born of that meek female
Was there before both stars and whale.
And that’s the tale that John has told;
In his gospel, Christ's the mold
For all that’s young and all that’s old.
Whatever came to be, he wrote,
From dirt to low prokaryote,
Could not exist without his vote.
Is science more believable
Than virgin’s child conceivable?
Is truth in both achievable?
It’s simple just to say a child
Was born to woman undefiled
The young girl who was meek and mild.
It’s easy to dismiss events
That John Evangelist presents.
But think to what you give assents.
And as for me, I do lean toward
Creation by omniscient Lord,
The child that many have adored.
But that in no way limits me.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Both lie as possibility.
Because in making all that is
God made me want to catechise.
To ask if matter dark is His.
POSTSCRIPT: Sorry for any obscure references. Danaus comes from Greek mythology; he fled from Egypt. Dark Matter and Dark Energy make up most of the universe according to estimates. In quantum mechanics and string theory the vacuum produces virtual particles that come into and go out of existence. Up and Down Quarks, never seen, make protons and neutrons. Neutrinos don't readily react with matter; trillions of them went through you and the entire planet today. Galaxies don't seem to rotate according to Newtonian mechanics, leading some to suspect the existence of Dark Matter that exerts a gravitational influence. Think of Branes as bedsheet-universes that might collide like those sheets hung out to dry on a windy day. One interpretation of the Cosmic Microwave Background image (COBE's and WMAP's) is that a blotch on the lower right might be where a brane or other universe smacked into ours. John the Evangelist (not to be confused with John the Baptist) begins his Gospel with: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word (Logos) was God, and nothing was made that was not made through the Word." Essentially, that’s the root of being made in the image of God. All creation bears the stamp of God’s existence. Creation, according to St. Augustine was through Christ. Augustine, a Neoplatonist deep down, also argued that what God created was the possibility for forms to exist, thus laying the groundwork for an easy way to include evolution in creation.