Where in the universe are we? Where in time? Where in experience? And where in purpose? Big picture: We live in a giant galaxy filled with no-one-knows-how-many worlds dotted across 100,000 light years. Bigger picture: Our galaxy is just one among an estimated two trillion galaxies spread across tens of billions of light years.
Let’s hypothesize: Out there somewhere there’s a planet with Earth-like climates, including one with very short summers and very cold winters. On this planet intelligent life occupies most, if not all, those climates, even the one with short summers and very cold winters. I don’t know, let’s coin a name for such a place. Hmnn. Got one. Let’s call that part of the planet with very cold winters “Siberia” or maybe “…” (I can’t think of two names for a “Siberia”).
There’s gotta be a “Siberia” of some sorts on one of those worlds that is also inhabited by intelligent life. What did their news stories cover recently? “Dozens of Glubs [I don’t know what to call them] tried to warm themselves by drinking cheap alcohol today, but they consumed not ethanol, but rather methanol, essentially antifreeze. Forty-nine of them died.” Sounds preposterous from the perspective of light years’ distance. But alcohol is available throughout space, isn’t it? Astronomers at the Jodrell Bank Observatory recently discovered a vast 300-billion-mile-long cloud of antifreeze.* I’m guessing there’s more throughout the universe. I don’t think it would be hard for Glubs to find or produce methanol.
Forty-nine Siberians are dead because they drank “bath essence containing methanol.” Forty-nine! (We’re back on Earth, now. We’re talking real Siberians in 2016)
We all do dumb stuff on occasion, you know, the stuff we regret doing either because it caused us grief or caused someone else grief. But—excuse the expression here if you are an atheist—Lordy, 49 people, looking for cheap alcohol, drank methanol! ** “Well,” you say, “they were Siberians. Siberia is a cold place, with an average January temperature of -25 degrees C (-13 degrees F). Drinking the stuff of antifreeze seems to make some sense.”
No! It doesn’t. Moving to the western shore of the Caspian or the eastern shore of the Black Sea to seek warmer conditions makes more sense. Antifreeze!
Okay, I know that drinking cheap forms of alcohol has more to do with addiction than it does with temperature and that the deaths could just as easily have happened among alcoholics at a Black Sea resort. I guess it’s just the immensity of unnecessary death that disturbs me. These people were not collateral “damage” in war, weren’t soldiers at war, and weren’t victims in some crime wave. They chose to drink methanol—sorry, “bath essence.”
So, where are we in the universe? Apparently, because there’s life on Earth, we live in a special place in the universe where we get to choose not living in that special place.
So, where are we in time? Some 13.8 billion years after the Big Bang (give or take a week), we find ourselves in what the anthropologists, paleontologists, and geologists are calling the “Anthropocene,” the Time of ‘Man,’ Homo sapiens sapiens. Yes, the time of “wise, wise ‘man.’” Or, maybe we find ourselves living in the Age of the Asinine, as it might be in the Linnaean system, Homo asinalis.
So, where are we in experience? Apparently, we live lives without historical knowledge of all the dumb things humans have done for millennia. Then we have to ask ourselves if we are also without the ability to recognize current experience. If one’s neighbors are dropping dead after drinking bath essence (yet, not freezing in Siberia because they drank methanol), shouldn’t that be a bit of a clue about the results of such behavior? If not, did they all gather to drink methanol from a funnel at an antifreeze party?
We say we cannot suffer more of these tragic incidents; yet, we will. Where we are in the universe, in time, and in experience is never enough to keep us from doing dumb stuff. All of us are guilty of doing something dumb in some way. “Intelligence” on other worlds is no guarantee that life there will avoid doing dumb stuff, also.
Are we all slightly at fault in this? Even though each of the 49 Siberians made a personal choice to drink methanol, all of us are part of the group Homo asinalis, and it’s only our hubris that makes us call ourselves “wise.” Where’s the wisdom in a group of beings that after millennia of existence still can’t solve personal problems and still can’t avoid doing dumb stuff?
* http://www.universetoday.com/8098/deep-space-alcohol/
** http://finance.yahoo.com/news/49-dead-siberia-drinking-toxic-bath-essence-075402928.html