Professional (Yes, “professional”) cornholers can earn six figures on the American Cornhole League circuit. A quarter million bucks for tossing a bean bag into a hole from a distance of twenty-seven feet. A quarter million bucks.
And when money’s on the line, so is cheating on the inclined table. It is apparently part of human nature to bypass rules to win. “BagGate,” as the scandal is known, required the cheaters to cut, empty, and re-sew bags that did not conform to the official size of one-pound, six-inch squares. Supposedly, an investigation revealed that the bags were not “intentionally altered,” but that some form of cheating might have occurred. *
We had a rather big Latin test to prepare for in high school in an age before digital watches replaced the old spring-wound time pieces. Taking an old watch, a classmate of mine devised a tiny paper scroll with Latin conjugations to roll past the glass face of his ingenious “cheat sheet.” He spent a great deal of time making and perfecting his cheating device, probably more time than would have been required to learn the material for the test. Nevertheless, he made the device rather than study.
As often happens, cheaters fail to win, particularly when the cheating gets discovered. And often that cheating requires the expenditure of more energy than might be needed to succeed. Such is the human way. Rather than conform to rules, we tend to bypass, if not outright break, them on the chance that no one will notice.
And on scales of human activity larger than games are the efforts of political parties to win elections and governments to bypass the dictates of treaties. Do we just not like rules? Do we not like to follow procedures? Is a “little sin” acceptable? That paperclip pocketed in the office is just one of thousands, isn’t it? That tax dollar with no tight audit won’t be missed. That dollar accepted from a foreign political donor becomes part of a pot so large that no one will notice. If cornhole bags, major league spitballs, NFL offensive linemen holding, and other forms of cheating can occur under watchful officials, what bureaucratic cheating, boardroom manipulation, and business scams must be occurring all over the planet? Can anyone say Bernie Madoff? Fishermen Chase Cominsky and Jake Runyan putting weights in their fish in the Lake Erie Walleye Trail championships? Deflategate and Spygate on behalf of the New England Patriots? The sign-stealing Houston Astros? Russia's coordinated Olympic doping? Rosie Ruiz on the subway winning a marathon?
Cornhole? Is nothing sacred? I guess not.