So, here’s what the Governor said. “Anyone who questions extreme weather and climate change is just delusional at this point. We have seen in the state of New York what everyone has seen. We see these weather patterns that we never had before. We didn’t have hurricanes. We didn’t have superstorms. We didn’t have tornadoes. This is a storm that came up just overnight, dropped about five inches of rain, and it was literally a matter of life or death for people.” * I guess the rich, famous, and politically connected get to say whatever they want to say without a reporter’s questioning the veracity of what they say.
I wonder whether or not the 1938 hurricane that hit Long Island was mythical. Let’s see. What are we to do with those other weather events? In September, 1821, a storm now called the Great Norfolk and Long Island Hurricane (aka the Long Island Hurricane and The Great September Gale of 1821) hit New York and New England. The storm surge of 13 feet inundated not only the wharves, but also lower Manhattan.
Manhattan also had severe storms in 1667, 1693 (The Great Storm of 1693), 1785, and 1788. This last storm pretty much destroyed the Battery with its severe flooding. Then there was the October 9, 1804 “snow hurricane,” an extratropical Nor’easter that dumped close to three feet of snow on eastern New York. Want more? September 24, 1815 and September 24 the same year. The next year another, and the year after that heavy rainfall from a tropical storm. And on and on through that century: 1825, 1827, 1830, 1941, 1846, 1849, 1850: This last one a doozy, and that Great Havana Hurricane of 1846 mentioned above caused damage to NYC.
Not a single question from a reporter on the scene. And why? Fear of contradicting? Ignorance of history? Worry over ramifications of calling into question the statement by the powerful governor?
Go ahead. You have my permission. Change history as you wish. Revise, rewrite, and remake history as you see fit. Make up whatever you want. No one will probably question you, at least, no reporters will question you—unless you happen to be opposed to the dogma of the day.
*Davis, William. Andrew Cuomo: ‘We Didn’t Have Hurricanes’ Before Climate Change. The Daily Caller. Politics. Accessed November 3, 2019.