Thoth seemed to have been a relatively important figure in the pantheon of Egyptian gods. It was Thoth that gave the Sun God Ra the power to defeat an evil force that lies below the eastern horizon. Ra could daily rise because Thoth provided him with the incantations to paralyze the limbs of Āapep, that force called “the Great Devil.” Egyptian religious scholars probably from the First through the Fourth Dynasty (and possibly beyond) wrote Thoth’s texts that would accompany the dead on their journey to a permanent place in the Kingdom of Osiris.
Now here’s where you come in without either dying or being mummified. Thoth was a very powerful god. He was the voice of the Creator. According to E. A. Wallis Budge, who published an English version of the Book of the Dead in 1920, Thoth was more powerful than Osiris.* He was an advocate for humans, and he wrote the laws by which both heaven and Earth operate. And one more thing: “His words were almighty and once uttered never remained without effect.” Yes, that’s you in the age of social media and a worldwide Web of statements and ideas. What you utter online never goes away. What you have uttered never remains without effect.
Choose your hieroglyphs wisely, my sons and daughters. What Thoth wrote millennia ago can still be read anywhere and at any time.