What were you thinking when you read the title of this blog? Gawain and the Green Knight, the Arthurian legend about the Green Knight who arrives one New Year’s Eve at Camelot with a challenge? Sitting on a green horse and carrying an axe, he says anyone can take a whack at him with the axe and then may keep the axe but must a year later seek out the Green Knight to receive a similar blow. Gawain accepts for the king and a reluctant Round Table, takes the axe, and beheads the knight, who miraculously picks up his head and rides off. A year later Gawain goes in search of the Green Knight to receive the promised return strike. At a castle on the way, Gawain encounters a king and his seductive queen whose advances Gawain refuses. Gawain remains pure and chivalric. The king turns out to be the Green Knight, snd Gawain survives the ordeal though he does suffer a nick on his neck. Now there’s a green story that has a happy ending.The Green New Deal is different. We won’t suffer a nick that will heal. The wound will be economic and lasting.
The Green Knight, it turns out, was basically just foolin’ with the guys at Camelot. It was all done with sorcery.
Yeah, sorcery like the Green New Deal. Remember Solyndra. A “green” solar panel company shows up at Camelot (AKA Obama’s White House) with a challenge to make America the dominant panel producer within a year. One of Arthur’s (read “Obama’s”) knights at the Round Table of mostly people who have never taken risks as entrepreneurs, takes the challenge. Sir Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy and Nobel laureate with little business experience, picks up the axe and with one fell swoop, takes a swing at a half-billion dollar loan for the company—using federal money that like other tax money would be lost without risk to the lender. Sir Chu doesn’t suffer so much as a nick. (That’s the magic invulnerability of government bureaucrats) A little over a year later, Solyndra folds. No one at Camelot even got to keep the axe—or got the axe, so to speak. Such is the way of government agencies whose agents are never personally accountable.
Lessons Never Learned
Looks like other countries have their Solyndras as they have taken up the challenge of a mysterious Green Agenda. Sweden is one. It built a battery factory in Skellefteå that has cut back production jobs. Based on a politically motivated promise instead of sound business research into public demand, Northvolt is about to Solyndra itself into oblivion. “Once hailed as a key player in Europe’s green energy transition, Northvolt has reported a staggering deficit of 40 billion Swedish kronor (approximately $3.8 billion) for 2024.” * It seems that people don’t want EVs as much as they were forced to want them by government mandates. Volvo said it is pulling back from its pledge to go all EV by 2030. BMW has pulled out of a two billion Euro deal to produce EVs.
It seems that the seductive advances of a “Green World” have driven a lustful (greedy) set of government knights and misinformed bank executives to risk other people’s money. But people who sit around a Round Table where others’ money is spent on risky ventures never seem to bear personal responsibility. They usually receive only a tiny nick. In this latest instance with Northvolt, real people got more than just a nick in the neck. More than a thousand lost their jobs. Hundreds had to move elsewhere to live.
A once prosperous car industry took up the challenge of politicians riding the green energy horse. Now brutal reality has swung its axe. Customers don’t want EVs to the extent projected by climate gurus. It was all sorcery based on a myth.
The Myth
During this long (in human terms) interglacial period of warming that began after the Younger Dryas cool down (11,700 years ago), the seas have risen first dramatically and then more slowly and the temperatures on average have increased. Interrupted by the heating enhancement of the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods and the Dryas-like cooling of the Little Ice Age, the fluctuations of climate parameters have been largely natural and mostly independent of the atmospheric carbon content. Evidence reveals that Earth has been in a carbon dioxide decline that stretches back millions of years.
But during the 1990s self-promoted green knights like Al Gore have ridden into Democrat Camelots to throw down the gauntlet on climate action, setting off a worldwide search that has had a further impetus of seductive loans and academic grant money now amounting to billions of dollars. Yet, the lead organization in the search for “climate stability,” the IPCC, has never actually declared that carbon is a cause of the warming beyond natural variability.
Most of the hype has come from politicians and media personalities who have jumped on Al Gore’s green horse. Unlike Joe Biden who has been willing to spend billions on the Green New Deal after calling it dangerous, the IPCC has not declared climate change to be “an existential threat.” And unlike Biden and company, the IPCC has not connected severe weather events and climate change. That connection is the hyperbole of reporters now infused with a secular religion of climate change. Maybe you have heard as I have heard local TV station reporters mouthing the idea that climate change is responsible for just about every natural disaster the way CNN’s Deborah Feyeric did in 2013 when she asked Bill Nye if an asteroid was caused by global warming. **
No Retraction Gets the Same Attention as the Original Error
We all know well that when newspapers print stories on page one that retractions never have the same effect, usually because they are buried in later pages with smaller headlines. And that’s where we are today. The front page story of global warming now morphed into “climate change” has become part of the world psyche, driving governments to waste billions of dollars on a myth of “existential danger.” Trust me on this: We’re in no more danger of losing our heads than Gawain was.
Although there are “retractions” out there (that is, credible refutations by credible scientists) they have no effect on the common belief that drives people to search for a remedy for a condition that is a natural consequence of the current interglacial period. It might take decades and many Northvolt/Solyndra failures to reverse the tendencies of governments to make the foolish expenditures for projects like those two failed business ventures.
The irony is that those who advocate for such expenditures and who flock to events like the annual COP meetings in exotic locations don’t realize that they will eventually pay a price in an economic downturn spawned by their wasteful and useless spending that will engender huge debts and throw the world into an energy deficit.
Those who continue to attend conferences like COP29, COP30, COP…50 might be alive to see the planet naturally swing toward a drop in temperatures, but many of them will really not know what is happening because they will rely on models instead of real time data and they will not be able to see long term trends. As long as the money rides that green horse, there will be alarmists eager to spend that money on projects like Northvolt and Solyndra.
I’ll End with This
The universe is composed of two components: Matter and Energy. The significance of the latter for all forms of the former can never be understated. For about 2,000 years people used coal as an energy source, but only in the last 500 years has its production been increased by better mining methods. The invention of the steam engine boosted the need for coal, and the discovery of oil at Titusville in 1859 meant another fossil fuel could increase energy supply. The modern world owes its existence to coal and oil—and also natural gas. Abundant and cheap, these sources of energy freed people from the cycles of light and darkness and cold and heat. They added materials never known in humans’ 250,000 year history, and made international trade possible and prolific. The greenies and alarmists want the world to shut down energy abundance in favor of expensive, polluting, and inefficient energy sources. This future dearth of energy will cost lives, make living under excessive heat and cold more hazardous, and reduce materials that make modern life both convenient and enjoyable.
Don’t take up the axe and challenge posed by the Green Knight. It’s a ruse dreamed up by sorcerers who will use whatever they can to seduce you.
* ”Global Battery Producer Risks Collapse After $3.8 Billion Shortfall”
**Daily Mail. “CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warming”